Chapter 4

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No ones POV.

Alex waited till her daughter was asleep before going downstairs. She cleared the table before hearing a soft knock at the door. Opening the door, Alex found her brother Jack standing there. "Just on time." Alex smiled, and allowed him to enter, closing the door.

"We have a match." Jack said, sitting at the table, pulling a file from his coat. "It seems Viper is in hiding, but have not forgotten about you." Alex nodded, sitting across from her older brother. "So, what do you have a match of?"

Jack shook his head. "At Buck, and Lily's school. There is a.....spy." Alex leaned forward. "Go on.." Jack nodded. One of Viper's top leading commanders has a son who is in hiding at their school. He is to get information from Buck and Lily about us." 

Jack's eyes were serious. "My guess is, he'll go after Lily first. Girls are an easier target for a boy." Alex growled lowly. But Jack read through her. "No, you will not check it out yourself." "But-" "Lily is a bright kid. She can look after herself. She just turned 17. She is smart, and she got it from her mother." 

Alex leaned back, helpless in her chair. "That's what I'm afraid of." She mumbled. Jack chuckled. "Don't worry, Alex. Lily can handle herself."

After Jack left, Alex went to bed thinking how this could all go wrong. Lily was smart, but she was young. Things change after all, right?

Jack snuck around the side of the house till he was under Lily's window. "Alex is gonna kill me." He whispered to himself. Picking up a rock, Jack hurled it as the window. The rock struck the wooden panel under the window and fell to the ground. 

A few moments later, Lily appeared at the window. She was surprised to see her Uncle under her window telling her to jump. "Am I dreaming?" She asked herself. Jumping to the ground, where Jack caught her, Lily stood, and looked up at her uncle. 

"Before you ask me anything," Jack said, holding up a hand. "We need to go to my car, where no one will hear us."

Lily followed her Uncle to his Mazda 4 and slid into the passenger seat. "So, why am I here?" She asked, still fighting the getting the sleep out of her vision and head and trying to focus. Jack handed her a file. 

"Isn't this for mom?" She asked, hesitating to open it. "No, It's for you. You're 17 right?" She nodded. "So you can do this. Not your mom." Lily Opened the file and read through it.

It was a bunch of information on a young man....

 Dylan Tanner.

 Age 17.

 Parents: Kai {Decesed} and Tiffiny Tanner; {Alive}

Blood type:......

Hair color:.......

Eye color:......

Status: Father killed.{When he was 5} Mother moved him to New York from Busan, south Korea to escape Viper.{When he was 7} 

Currently at this location:........

Lili looked at her Uncle. "So what does this have to do with me?" Jack smiled a little. "Your first mission." Lily shook her head. "No, no, no. I have school, I have, a whole bunch of things to do." Jack nodded. "I know. That's why I have everything planned out for you. He lives not far from here. You are going to befriend him, and secretly protect him."

 Lily was fully awake now. "Uncle Jack, I can't babysit a guy my age! I have better things to do!" Jack looked at her. "Like what? Flirting with new guys at your school?" Lily became quiet. "Does it run in the family?" The muttered. "No, I can just tell." Jack spoke up, hearing her.

"Listen, Lily. I need you to do this. No one else can do it. All the other Agents are older, and you are around his age. Viper looking for them. Apparently, his father left him with some precious item that Viper wants."

Lily groaned. "Why me....??" Jack hit his head on the steering wheel. "Have you been listening to what I have been saying?!" Lily sighed. "Fine. Fine, I'll do it." Jack brightened. "Thanks, Lily!" She nodded. "Yeah, your welcome..." 

Jack's grin turned serious. "I will pick you from school tomorrow to start you on your mission. you are a black belt, so I'm not worried about you getting hurt, but I will be inclined to have a bit of....items if you need them. 

Lily grinned a bit. He shook his head. "Like a bulletproof vest." Lily pouted. "You will get a gun if it is needed." Jack added. "Deal!" Lily shook his hand. "welcome to the organization, Agent Lily." Jack grinned. "Also, don't mess up please. If you mess up, I get in trouble...wih your mom. That is a nightmare."

Lily laughed. "I wont."

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