Chapter 7

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Unknown POV. (Well, unknown to you. ;) )

I wrapped my fingers around my pistol in my pocket as I watched the two talking beside Lily's car in front of a cafe. Why? why was she with that guy? I had been ordered to kill him. And now I have an agent's daughter in the way? Not a chance. 

I needed to get her out of the way. "Why are you making my job harder?" I whispered. Lily was cute, no doubt about that. But she was not to be underestimated. She had skill. and that was a problem. 

Her being friends with the boy Dylan was going to make my job harder. Now I had two teens to deal with. My job was nicely laid out for me. But it would not be easy. I knew I had to have a plan before acting against either of them.

Lily's POV.

As the days passed into weeks, and the weeks to a little over a month, I got to know Dylan more and more. He was hilarious and cute. We had gone from complete strangers to best friends in less than a friends. We usually met at his mom's cafe and talked. Dylan was so funny. "You should teach me more often!" He exclaimed, flashing his cute smile.

 "I will." I promised. "You learned a bit today. You should learn more defense before you get to offense." He nodded. "Alright. Your the boss."

"Hey, Lil!" I turned to see Jayden striding up to us. How did he know I was here? Why was he here? "H-Hey, Jayden. What are you doing here?" I asked. Dylan moved closer to me for some reason. Protectively....weird. I was the one supposed to protect him. Even though he didn't know it.

Jayden grinned a winner grin. "I was browsing the neighborhood. I saw you and thought I'd stop and say hi." He wrapped me in a hug. My mind was racing. When and how did we become so close? I noticed out of the corner of my eye Dylan was watching Jayden with distrusting eyes. and was that.......jealousy? 

I pulled out of Jayden's embrace and smiled awkwardly. "Well. It's nice to see you outside of school. He then seemed to notice Dylan and looked at him like one would look a cockroach. "Who is he?" Jayden forced a smile. 

"Oh, this is Dylan. Dylan this is my friend Jayden. We go to the same school." The boy shook hands, fake smiles, and laser gazes at each other. "Nice to meet you." Jayden dragged out the words.

"You too." Dylan rested his arm over my shoulders. "Hey Lily, I need your help with homework tonight. If your free." Jayden said, smiling sweetly a me. "Uhmmm..." I thought. "I guess I can help you.." 

He smirked. "Great. See you at my house at seven." He turned and walked off down the street. Dylan nuzzled his forehead into my temple. "I don't like him." He whined in my ear. "Hey." I shoved him playfully. "Be nice." He pouted cutely. 

"I'm telling you. Something is off about him." Dylan looked after Jayden. "He's too......" "Perfect?" I asked without thinking. Dylan's face fell. "Y-yeah, I guess." His smile returned shortly. "But I'm more perfect than he is."

I laughed. "Right?" He pushed my cheek with his nose. "Yes, Dylan." He jumped up and down. "Yes!" I had to laugh at his childish actions. He was like a ten-year-old in a 17-year-old's body. Adorable yet handsome. Innocent, yet smart. 

I sighed happily as he shook his head to free eyes from his hair. I played with his hair, freeing his sight as best I could. His soft brown eyes found mine and I froze, gazing into his eyes, he gazing into mine.

A few moments past. I saw many things in his eyes. Innocence. Trust. happiness. A bit of sadness. Love?? I blinked as I found myself leaning in. I shook my head and I pulled myself from the trance we were both in. "We should get going home." 

He nodded, looking a little red in the cheeks. "Y-yeah." I smiled a little. "I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged him. He hugged back. "I'll miss you till then." He whispered. Then I felt something soft brush my ear. 

He backed up slowly. Waving, then going into the cafe. I stood there dumbfounded. Dylan had kissed my ear. Sure we were close friends but..... He had never done something like that before. I cleared my head before driving back home. 

"Mom, I have to go to a friends house!" She poked her head in my room. "Are you sure?" I zipped my backpack shut and slung it over my shoulder. "Yes. I'm helping him with his homework." She raised an eyebrow but nodded. 

"Be home by ten." I nodded. "Will do." 

What is happening?! Someone is watching Lily and Dylan, but who is it? Any guesses? (of coarse I know who it is. TeeHee!) Dylan and Lily are closer. Jayden is acting weird. What will happen when Lily goes to his house?!

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now