Chapter 17

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Dylan's POV. 

"I said take her out for a while." I groaned. "Mom...."She stared at me. "I don't know what's gotten into you, Dylan. But snap out of it. Lily is your best friend. Take her out to the park." I sighed. "Alright." 

Standing I grabbed my jacket from the hook. "Lily! Come on!" I looked around the house. She was nowhere to be seen. I ran outside. Had something happened to her?! "Lily?!" I looked all around. Nothing. 

My heart started to sink. What if she went to bring more evil agents to take us out? "Hey, pouty face!" My head shot up. Lily lay on her stomach on the roof. Her chin resting on her hands. Her little grin melting me once more. 

"Hey!" I yelled. "Get down here! I thought something happened to you!" She climbed down the ladder and strode up to me. "You....cared?" Her smirk made me blush slightly. Her face was inches from mine....

I gulped. "I-uhm...." She backed up and folded her arms. "Why have you been distant these past days?" I then remembered my suspicions. My gaze became cold. "Mom wants me to take you out to the park." 

Without answering her question, I walked off towards the park. She soon caught up with me, and poked my side. "Hey. Where is my cute childish, Dylan?" She grinned and tried to get me to smile or laugh. 

My face remained grim. Lily's face fell, and she shoved her hands down her pockets, sighing softly. I kept my eyes in front of my feet the entire way there. Reaching the park, Lily grinned. Running to the swing, she began to swing.

She suddenly stopped and looked at me. "What?" I asked, a little too harshly. "Swing with me?" She asked softly, her voice barely a whisper. "Huh?" She stood and grabbed my hand. It was soft, and warm. I didn't want her to let go...

But she did. She pushed me to a swing. "Swing." She winked and ran back to her own. "Bet you can't go as high as me." She began to swing, higher and higher. I grinned as I had a nack for fun things. And a challenge.

"Challenge accepted." I began to swing myself higher as well, laughing as the wind ran through my hair. "Watch this!" I turned my head to see Lily going dangerously high. Oh, no....she wasn't going to...- She jumped. 

I saw it in slow motion. Lily flew through the air and turned a 360 degree turn. She landed with on knee to the ground, and a grin on her face. I jumped off, and ran to her. "L-Lily! Don't do that! You scared me!"

She grinned. "I do it all the time, Dylan. Don't worry about me." I watched as she walked back to the swing. "But I do..... I do worry about you." I thought, my shoulders drooping. I cared about her 100%. 

But she worried me. She was playing with my emotions. Was she evil? or was she good? And what was with the gun in her pocket? I sighed and went back to swing with her. I suddenly felt as though we were being watched.....we were the only ones there.....weren't we?

Jack's POV.

I cad called Lily over a million times. Well, OK, only three times, but it felt like a million. She wasn't picking up. Was she still mad about not being able to protect the boy? Is that why she was ignoring me?

I decided to go see her. 

I knocked on the door, and Buck answered. "Hey, bud." I smiled. He didn't answer and looked around me. His face went quizzical. "Where is she?" He asked. "Who?" I asked. Alex came. "Jack, thank God. Now I know she wasn't lying."

I was confused. "Huh?" She then pulled me in, and looked around. Then she gave me the same face Buck gave me. "Where is she?" "Who?!" I was getting annoyed. "Lily!" Alex shouted. "She said she was out camping with you!" 

I took a step back. "What? I haven't seen her in days!" Alex's face went pale. "Wh-what? Where could she have gone then?" I dropped on the sofa and groaned. "Oh, no....." There was only one place she could have gone.

And she was going to get into a lot of trouble for it....

Unknown POV.

I watched the two love birds swing and laugh. "Disgusting." I thought. The girl was going to be a problem. But her relationship with the boy was going to be helpful in our mission. I moved slightly in my hidden place. 

I had to wait for the right moment to strike. The boy....Dylan, turned and looked in my direction. I melted back into the shadows.

Lily's POV.

Dylan's face fell, and he stared into the distance. "Dylan?" I waved a hand in front of his face. "Dylan." He didn't answer, but pushed me behind him. "H-He's gone....." "He? Gone? What are you talking about?" 

A small snap sounded behind us. I turned around and saw a couple of men in black clothes, standing at the edge of the playground, apparently fascinated by a tree. Their dark shades covered their eyes, but I knew better. They were Viper agents. 

My heart raced just as fast as my mind did. "Dylan." He had already turned. "Wh-wha..." "We have to get back to the house." I pulled him to the street where they surely wouldn't follow. Would they? 

I whipped my head over my shoulder and cough a glance of the agents jumping over the short fence of the park, and walking toward us. A small whistling made me duck on instinct. A small dart hit the pavement in front of me. 

It was rush hour and Dylan and I were stuck on the wrong side of the street. We couldn't cross. The agents approaching faster paced. I had to think fast. 

"You planned this didn't you?" I turned to see Dylan's face. One of realisation and pain. Sadness and fear. All those expressions mixed into two beautiful brown irises. "Wh-what?" I asked. "You called them, or something like that. You lured me into this trap, didn't you!"

I took a step back. His voice was harsh and it hurt me to see him hurt. He thought I was one of them! Why would he ever think that? "N-no! Dylan, how could you think such a thing?" I kept a good eye on the men rushing toward us. 

I had no choice. I grabbed Dylan's hand and charged into the street. Cars screeched to stops, people yelled, and the men, backed up, a little. They didn't want to cause too much attention. When we reached the sidewalk, Dylan yanked his hand away from mine.

"Don't you dare touch me!" He shouted. I looked up at him. "D-Dylan....I-I don't know where you got these ideas, but forget them. I'm your friend, remember?" I reached up to place my hand on his cheek, but he swatted it away.

"I said don't touch me!" I lowered my hand, my heart lowering as well. "All these years....." He murmured. "You were using me. It was all fake! Wasn't it?! All to lure me into your trap with those....people who killed my father. To kill me too. I-I trusted you!"

I felt as though the tranq dart had hit me, pulling my from consciousness, not allowing me to know whether this was a nightmare or reality. "Dylan..." My voice cracked. "I allowed myself to open up to you Lily!" He took a frightened step back.

"I opened up.....but I'm glad I didn't about everything." I stepped towards him. He stepped back once more. "I-I was close to you...." Hsi's voice became softer, more saddened. "I let my heart lead my mind.....I let myself to listen to my heart instead of my head. But I was stupid."

He turned and was about to run off. "And Lily." He looked at me over his shoulder. "Next time, keep your weapon hidden in a proper place." With that he ran off, leaving me in the middle of the street. People walked by, but I didn't care. I was broken. 

It was my fault, my mistake, had led him to believe wrongly. If I had told him the truth..... A sharp pain filled the side of my neck. I lifted my hand to it. A dart. It was too late. My vision blurred and I already had no strength to fight the wooziness. 

I collapsed and the last thing I saw, was the face of the last person I would have ever guessed......

Oh, no! What happened?! Who did she see?! What will happen to Dylan?! 0_0

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now