Chapter 4 Father walking out

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My dad he was in my life at one point of time then he just up and left. I would always tried to reach out to him but he never answer. I cried myself to sleep for 6years praying that he would pop back up in my life but he didn't. I always use to think it was my Mom fault he left because she had him on child support. . I was always the class clown in the class. I would always acted out in class bc I though that I would get my dad attention but that didn't work when my teacher would call him he would just say call her momma. I have nothing to do with her , just take my name off the contact list. That hurted me that's when I said he don't care about me. From this day forward that's when I stop GAf about him
Flashback :
I remember when I would always go by my dad house and I would just enjoy myself he would always tell me he love me & he would never leave me .
End of flashback
I cried every time I think about my dad leaving me in this cold world .
End of flashback
I would always act out because I wasn't getting any attention . I would always lie just to try to fit in and it would work. I lied about every single thing just to impress people. I was getting the attention I wanted and loved it . I got all kind of attention. I finally had people paying attention to me because my momma and dad sure didn't give me any.
Until one day I went into deep depression I tried to kill myself multiple times because I felt like I didn't belong on this earth and didn't nobody love me. I would always cut on my self burn myself. I did everything to my body except for drugs and sex. That's how bad I was in depression . I don't care about nobody feelings because they sure didn't give a damn about mines. So why should I care. I was very heartless mean and stuck up.
Jamie's father in the media

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