Part 23 The fight

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we were 6 months into our senior year. Girls didn't like Keisha and I. They would always call us the stuck up girls. This girl name Kia been mugging me all day. I polite walk up to her and ask do we have a problem. She no I'm good. I said ok.  So we were at lunch the same bitch kept starring me down.  She came up to me you messing my man Ronnie. I said  baby I don't won't him so keep him.
Kia: I didn't think so
Jamie: girl bye
Kia: that's why your mom on crack and she didn't want you or yo nappy head ass brother.
Before you knew I jump across the table and start beating her ass. She had me fuck up . Then i felt the security guards pulling me off. It took of them to get me off of her.
Jamie: this bitch have no right to talk about my mother and brother. She got them fucked up. Every time I  see this bitch imma fuck her up on sight. I yell as the pulled me out the cafeteria.

The security guards walked me to the principles office where I had calm down. One of the guards said I never seen a female throw down like that. I just laugh. He said no like really the way you jump cross that table and snatched her ass up. She needed that I said.
Principle Moore  called me and Kia into her office. I explain how the fight happen. We both got suspended for 5 days. 

Later that day school was over. I met Mrs Harrington at her car. We got in and headed to get Dj.
Mrs.Harrington: I'm disappointed at you
Jamie: I'm sorry mom but she asked for it .
Mrs Harrington: you could of avoid it .
Jamie: no I couldn't she said some hurtful words to me.
Mrs Harrington: you ever heard the saying saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt
Jamie: yes
Mrs Harrington: why you let her get to you then
Jamie :idk
Mrs Harrington: you can't let what people say get to you. You have to learn that or you will be fighting everyday. In the real world just have learn how to accept things and keep on going
Jamie I understand I'm sorry mom

We pulled in front of the house and got  out. . Mrs Harrington washed up and started cooking dinner for us. An hour later she yell  upstairs  dinner is ready. Dj and I both ran down stairs.  We sat at the table said grace.  This spaghetti, Garlic bread , corn, and salad was delicious.
Dj: its ood me want moe
Jamie: you means it's good I  want more
He just shook his head and smiled.

After diner I washed all the dishes. I went up to my room and called Keisha we talk like normal.
Keisha: so what are going to do for these 5. Days
Jamie: guh Idk
Keisha : well you make use of them days. What's Mrs Harrington made at you
Jamie: she wasn't mad she was just a bit of upset
Keisha: samething  she was still mad
Jamie : whatever  Keish I got to go call you back later
Keisha: are you rushing me off the phone
Jamie: no  I have to give Dj a bath. I'll call later  I promise. I lied
Keisha: alright love you girl.
Jamie: love you more

These five days are going to be so boring. I have nothing to do. I just stayed in bed for the next five days.  I would eat , watching tv and sleep all day until mom & Dj come home ..

I was back to school in no time. Kia kept picking with me but i ignored it. Keisha would just egg it on. I would just roll my eyes.  The bell ring for us to go to class. I went to class did my work as normal. I didn't saying anything to nobody until Ronnie came up in my face. I specifically ignored him. When he got the hint I wasn't interested he left me alone. The bell ring it was time for my next class. These classes went by so fast.  
Then it was time for lunch. Kia and her homegirls was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria gossiping.  Then Kia got up and threw a milk carton and it hit Keisha instead of me. Keisha got up and beat her ass then her home girl jumped then I jumped in.  The guards pulled us off of them. They took us to the principles office.  The guard said Keisha not you again. Imma call u man hands because you hit hard I got one of them licks when I was breaking them up.  They suspend us. During suspension me and Keisha just chilled to together for these 10 days. 

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