Chapter33 monique coming back into her life

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One day monquie just decided to pop back up at my job. She was looking bad ass hell. She told me she wanted to get clean but I didn't believe her. I would just tell her to leave I told her she have no idea what she put me and dj thru how we feel. You thinks it's ok for you just to come back into our lives thinking that we would accept you hell no. You hurt us to the core and I think I can never forgive you ever. Now get the hell up out here.

Monique Jamie wait I just won't to apologize I been clean for about 1 year.I came to apologize for everything that I did.
Jamie you know what you can do with your apology take and stick up your ass . You have no idea what you u did. Just leave your embarrassing me.
Monique:please just give me a chance
Jamie: I don't think you deserve one

With that being said Monique just left. Jamie just thought to herself she been clean for 3years and looking like a bomb. After Jamie got off of work she headed home. She went home and told Mrs.Harrington all about Monique how she popped up.

Mrs.Harrington : Jamie you have to learn how to forgive. You have to let that hurt go. That's in the past baby girl.
Jamie: I can't do it. I need to just be a lone. I don't want to deal will her. You don't know what I been thru. I'll give her a chance when I feel like it . She walk out of my life and Dj life. I don't think I just let her back in with open arms .
Mrs.harrington: baby you don't have to just give her a chance. You can just take your time. I'm always here for you if you need me.

After there conversation was over Jamie went upstairs and got in tub. While she was in the tub she thought about everything. she been thru. She just cried and cried. Then she got out and went to sleep

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