Chapter 47 not the same

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We been gone for three days. We just decide to go home. My mom will be staying with me for a few days. I refuse to let her go home and be depressed. I turn my phone one and had so many miss calls. It was my phone free weekend. I hate that I pull up in front of my yard. I'm not for Cam shit today.

Jamie finally came home. I got some words for ass. But I'm not going to clown in front of her mother I'm gone respect that. I follow Jamie up to our room.
Cam: where you been
Jamie: please don't start this shit
Cam: fuck all that where you been
Jamie: out on a get away.
Cam: where
Jamie: you don't need to know all. You all for yoself instead of you questioning ask me where I been. You could of ask me how I'm feeling or doing you don't know what the hell im feeling or what I been going thru. But you don't care cause you worried about where I been.
Cam: I'm sorry you having been talking to me
Jamie: you know what just leave me alone. My mom is down there I'm not for this

It hurt me to see my girl cry like that. I really been an ass to her. She don't deserve that. I got get her to look and talk to me.

I heard cam and Jamie getting into I hope they are ok. My baby look like she been stressing. I just been chilling with Dj. We been watching cartoons. I even got up and cook for him.

Every since I came home. I just been in the bed. I been tired I really haven't been feeling good. Cam came in time to time. I guess he call hisself checking on me. Then I turnt the tv off. I just laid in the dark think about if I want to continue this with him. It's not worth it.
Jamie: don't touch me
Cam: I'm trying to be here for you
Jamie: it's a lil to late now you must feel guilty . Please don't touch me.
Cam: ok

I got up and went down stairs I got a lil hungry.

Jamie: what you doing up late
Monique: baby come sit down n talk to me. If you hungry I made some burgers
Jamie: mom I don't know what to do. Ion think I want to have this baby or be with cam this to much to deal with
Monique: baby let me tell you something
If you not happen then leave. But that baby is a blessing from god . Don't do anything crazy.
Jamie: thanks mom and the burgers was good.
Monique: come watch tv with me
Jamie: ok

We where watching tv. I laid my head in my mom lap and she played in my head. I dose off . About an hour later I had woke up and went and got in the bed. Cam was knock out sleep at least I thought. I got in and turnt my back to him.

Cam: bae I'm sorry
Jamie: save it

I'm really trying to be there for her but she pushing me away. I told her I was sorry. I really have to be there for her. I really hurt her. I mean this the girl I chase and beg to be with and I got her and I'm treating her like a dog. I'm gone make her smile.

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