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Today was just a chill day for me. I took Dj to the park. I sat on the bench as I watched him play with the other kids. I took pictures and videos of him.  I was just scrolling thru my social media sites. Then that's when someone sat on side of me and started talking to me. I didn't say anything being that I wasn't a friendly person.
Cam: so you just gone ignore me
Jamie: yes
Cam: why you got to be so mean
Jamie : cause that's just me
Cam: wateva when you gone give me a chance
a nigga a chance
Jamie: never
Cam: stop stunting like u don't want a nigga. You know you want all of this
Jamie: boy plz if I want you I can have you.
Cam: wateva. I see you blushing
Jamie: I'm not you ain't nobody
Cam: I finally got you to smile. But who you here with
Jamie ; none of yo business but my lil brother
Cam: aww he is so handsome
Jamie : thanks who you here with my nice
Cam: my niece.
Jamie : well nice talking to you.

Jamie got up and Cam pull her in his lap he kissed her lips.
Cam: you gone stop playing and give a nigga a chance.
Cam took Jamie phone and put his number in it Jamie got up and slapped Cam in his face for pulling that stunt.

Can't believe he kissed me. Every time I think about him he do something to my body. Lord that man is fine ass fuck.

I knew what I was doing to Jamie. But damn she got some hard licks. Jamie is fine af. I'm gone keep trying to get with that. In due time she gone be all up on a nigga watch.

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