Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV

A week passed and I don't know how long I haven't been to my Math class but today I decided to go. I came with Carousel to our class and we both got called by the professor after class

"Long time no see Mr.Jeon and Ms.Byun" he greeted us

"Sup prof!" I didn't take it seriously while Carousel bowed

"I called you out to discuss to you two that you're both in danger in failing my class" he said

We were both shocked from what he saud. I knew it was coming but I didn't see that coming for Carousel

"Wha-what!?" Carousel reacted then reasoned "but I've been doing good in our seatworks, quizzes and class participation"

"Yes you are but your absentses are are really affecting your grade but you're not that in danger yet. Your scores are enough to pass my subject, so keep up the good work, I just needed to warn you so that you can catch up" he smiled

"Phew... Thank God" she sighed in relief

"Mr.Jeon, I would like to speak with you alone" he looked at Carousel and she immediately left us

I started getting worried because this is my third year in college and one more year and I finally finish my studies but this class is really bothering me. This is the only subject that I'm having a hard time

"So Mr.Jeon, you see, in clas you either have high scores or low scores. Most of them however are low scores. With the exams coming up, you better catch up and do good to pass this subject. You better have atleast four to five mistakes in your remaining class works and atleast 10 to 15 mistakes on the final exam or else you will take this class again next year" he explained

"Okay prof, I got it" I looked down

"It's okay, you can do it" he whispered to my ear and suddenly touched my abs then went straight to my dick and starting pressing it which surprised me and sent me chills all over my body.

I didn't get aroused though due to shock. I couldn't react, it's like I froze the moment he touched me. After a couple of seconds he let go

"Bye" he bid farewell and left

I couldn't reply to him. I'm still in shock by what happened. Luckily Carousel came and brought me back to reality just by seeing her face

"Is something wrong?" She cupped my cheeks

"Nah, don't mind it" I forced a smile

"Okay" she looked worried

We held hands and I walked her to her dorm. While walking, we talked about what Mr.Park told us but I didn't tell her what he did to me

"Thanks Kookie" she hugged me

"You're welcome" I smiled

She let go and looked at me then held both of my hands

"We can overcome this together Kookie" she said seriously

I was shocked from what she said and can't help but smile out of relief that I have someone to lean on when I have problems

"I'll teach you the best as I can, so we both can pass this" she kissed me on the lips

I think I won't ever get tired of her lips on mine. It feels like I can do anything with her beside me. I don't know what'll I do without her.

She finally separated her lips from mine and stood there smiling and I smiled back

"We're gonna start reviewing tomorrow. No play time, onky after the final exams" she said then opened the door of her dorm

"Sure, thank you for taking care of me" I bowed

"It's nothing... I love you" she said before entering her dorm and I started walking back to my unit


"Come on" she started whining while pulling my arm

"No's a No" I said firmly

"But... but...I'm bored" she hugged me and I looked into her eyes

"You said it yourself, 'No play time, only after the final exams..." I moved her away

"I take it back!" She desperately said

She started begging non stop and I didn't listen to her at all. I was reading her notes when she stopped begging. I looked at her and started pushing her back and forth

"Yo Carousel... you mad baby?" I smiled at her but she laughed in an evil way. Of course I was taken aback and let her go

"Stop it, it isn't funny Carousel" I started moving backwards

"I didn't want things to get here but I have to" she crawled towards me seductively

I hate to admit it myself but I'm getting aroused just by that. I was about to speak but she spoke first



I gave in and we did a quickie. Shortly after, we resumed studying for the test.


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