Chapter 21

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Jungkook's POV

It's been 2 years since I graduated from college and started working. Carousel on the other hand is still in her fourth year of college because of the most unexpected reason...

She was pregnant!

So to make the story short, after we made up, we had sex together. I forgot to wear a condom and came inside of her back then.

Her parents were really mad at us but me and Carousel were delighted that we were gonna have our own offspring. Because of that, I did my best in my studies while Carousel stopped for the baby.

Now I have a stable and good earning job that can provide Carousel abd our little girl, Sohye.

Sohye is now 2 years and 3 months and I have to say that she looks like me more than her mother.

"Yeobo!" Carousel shouted from our room

I rushed to our room, "Yes?"

"Can you watch Sohye for a while? I need to review for my final exams" she smiled while handing me Sohye carefully.

"Of course! Go and start reviewing. I'll handle her" I said as I received Sohye in my arms

"Thanks Yeobo" she gave a peck to my lips then Sohye's. She went to her desk table to review.

I let Sohye fall asleep before going to bed myself.

Carousel's POV

"Phew! I'm finally done!" I wiped the sweat that formed in my forehead as I closed my book.

I packed my stuffs before heading to the room where Jungkook and Sohye are.

I giggled at what I saw as soon as I entered the room.

What they say that 'Like father, like daughter' is really true.

Jungkook and Sohye were sleeping with the same pose. Their legs were spread apart with an arm on their face

I took a picture of them before puttibg my bag down then joined them.

"Oh jagiya..." Jungkook yawned as he wrapped his arm around me

"I love you..." he whispered to my ear and I replied, "I love you too" before closing my eyes and slept with them.

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