Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

Exams are just a few days away! I'm totally confident now! Since Carousel had been teaching me all month long. To celebrate our accomplishment of studying for a month, we decided to eat dinner with our friends.

"Cheers for Jungkook and Carousel!" Hoseok raised his glass

"Cheers!" We said in unison and clang our glasses

My friends, Taehyung, Hoseok and Seokjin came. While for Carousel, her friends, Kylie, Mia and Kaye went as well.

After about 15 minutes, the food we ordered finally came and before we dug in, Carousel said something

"Guys..." she looked at everyone then smiled "... let's all surpass our hardships!" She cheered and we all started digging unto the delicious food that was served to us.

The dinner went great! We all laughed, shared our experiences and even performed. Each of us contributed to pay the bill. After dinner we all went back to our dorms.


I'm feeling confident today! I'm not gonna disappoint Carousel! After all she did for me, teaching me, cheering me, staying with me and most importantly...

Loving me so much!

I felt like I needed to return all her efforts for me by passing this subject together!

I did my morning routine and then left my condo to fetch Carousel from her dorm

"Kookie!" She ran towards me

"Sup babe" I gave her a peck to her cheek

"You ready?" She smiled at me

"Of course! I reviewed last night just in case" I clenched my fist to show my fury but ended up laughing

"Hahaha... let's go!" She wrapped her arms around mine and rested her head at my shoulder while walking

We reached class just before the professor came

"Good morning class!" He greeted and we greet him in return

"So I think you're all ready I guess? So let's start" he took out the exams from his bag and started distributing it to the class.

When I got mine, I closed my eyes and prayed that I'll pass.

When I finally opened my eyes, I scanned the first page

"Yes! I know this one!" I mumbled to myself

When I finished the first page, I turned on to the next and it was easy as well. I finished it in no time.

"Thank God, I reviewed last night!" I muffled a laugh before turning to the third page

But that feeling was short lived...

When I scanned the third page, the test started getting harder and harder as I finish answering one question at a time. I barely made it on the third page.

Finally the last page of the exam. I scanned it over and over again but fuck!

I can't remember how to solve this shit!

"Crap!" Was the only thing I can mumble repeatedly to myself as I put my head down to the desk with my hands wrapped under my head.

Jimin's POV

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