Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

"Kookie?" Carousel patted my shoulder

"What is it?" I said without even trying to look at her

"You okay?" I heard the sound of a chair being dragged

"Yeah, I'm fine" still I did not make a move

"Are you cryi-" she tried to ask but I finally lifted my head up and smiled at her

I knew what she was about to say, so I lifted my head just in time before she got to finish her question

"What again?" I cupped her cheeks

"Ah it's nothing" she smiled back

"I love you" I kissed her lips and I closed my eyes after I saw her close hers as well

While our lips were locked, I started thinking of the fucking exam again and how she will be disappointed with me that I failed to pass my required score on the test to pass.

After all she did for me...

I failed her...

I fucking failed her...

With that in thought, tears beginned to gush out from my eyes, again.

As much as I don't want her to see me crying, looks like I really can't hold back my emotions this time.

She broke the kiss, which didn't surprised me at all due to my tears also going to her face.

"Why?" She asked as she wiped my tears off

This is the first time I cried in front of her. I felt quite embarassed as my girlfriend looked at me worriedly.

"I'm fine" I wiped my tears off

She cupped my cheeks and asked "Why are crying?"

I just continued crying...

Like fuck! I hadn't cried this much in my entire life.

"It's just because I... I..." I stuttered

"Because what?" She held both of his hands

"I... I..."

"Yes?" She said as her head was slowly going up and down

"I got to answer all the questions in the test!" I let out a lie


Good job Jungkook!

You fucking lied to the girl you love!

"Aish... making me worry for nothing" she pinched my nose which made me laugh a little

"Thanks Carou- No" I stopped which made her let go of my hand from disappointment

"Thank you very very very much! Yeobo jagi!" I hugged her tightly from my seat

I finally called her 'yeobo jagi'! It's been one of my dreams to call my girlfriend 'Yeobo jagi'

I saw her blush and she hugged me back as well

"Yeobo jagi saranghae!" She said as we both get out from our seats without breaking the hug then kissed each other.

We ate dinner shortly and I took her back to her dorm after the meal.

She was all smiles today. I took that as my inspiration to carry on. I have to keep smiling as well.

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