Chapter 16

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Jungkook's POV

"Fuck..." I can't help but moan softly to what he did, which he heard me and stared at me

"Looks like you're enjoying it, eh?" He smirked

"Stop it Jimin!" I took a step backwards

"But I want more of you" he grinned

His expression is so creepy that it's giving me chills all over my body

He was different from the Jimin I had sex with last Sunday night.

What I'm seeing right now is just his pure lust for me.

I'm at a dead end as I felt the wall on my back.

I'm doomed...

He's so close to me, he leaned in his face, brushing his nose to mine before finally kissing me. He forcefully entered his tongue into my mouth and wandered around.

I just clenched my eyes shut as he kissed me forcefully.

While kissing me, his hand went to mine and started rubbing my already hardened dick. I kept muffling my moans as he touch me.

I saw the chance to escape from his grip when he tried to unzip his pants and mine as well.

I pushed him just enough to make him fall to the ground.

"Aish!" He groaned and glared at me

"Fuck off! Stop it Jimin" I hurriedly ran towards the room

I saw him run after me but I was too fast and entered the room. Leaning agaisnt the door, panting.

They all looked at me when I entered.

Maybe because I slammed the door after I enter?

I saw some guys who were laughing while pointing at me and some girls who were covering their eyes but still stealing a peek at me.

I was confused, why were they like that?


I felt my dick throb...


Know I know!

I looked at my pants and it was unzipped and unbuttoned. My boner was evident to their eyes.

I immediately turned red as I felt embarrassed and flustered. I quickly turned around and fixed my pants.

Shit! They saw my dick hard.

After fixing my pants, I went straight to my seat next to Carousel who is still asleep amidst the noise.

I ignored their comments and teases. I was the topic of the whole class.

I kept my head down the whole time, trying to sleep and just forget what happened.

I was surprised when someone patted my shoulder. I looked at the one who patted my shoulder. It was Park Jinyoung, the class bully-slash-genius.

"Did you do a quickie with Prof. Park?" He smirked after he tease.


"Woah, you're getting mad! Is your pet also mad?" He looked at my crotch then laughed with the class

"Why you..." I couldn't take it anymore and punched him in the face which made him stumble and hit some chairs.

The whole class started cheering for a fight.

He chuckled lightly as he caress the cheek I punched

He composed himself and gave me a menacing look.

"Look Jeon Jungkook! Don't hurt this handsome face of mine!" He exclaimed and was about to hit back when suddenly Jimin came inside.

"What's with all the ruckus?" He asked as he went near us.

"Nothing sir" Jinyoung lied and went to his group of friends.

I rolled my eyes as he walked back to his friends but more importantly, I moved back a little to keep my distance from Jimin, who tried to, I guess, rape me earlier.

"Good" Jimin said and went back to his desk but before he did that he glanced at me and mouthed "We're not yet done"

I cringed at what he did and sat back down.

Good thing Carousel had earphones on, so she's still asleep.

Is Jinyoung upset that he wasn't the highest on the exam?

I did saw him frown in disappointment and was a bit irritated when he was called after me.

After 30 more minutes, Jimin finally dismissed the class.

"Goodbye class" Jimin said before leaving the class.

I woke Carousel up and she was still half asleep. I stood up to help her stand but I fell to the ground when someone's fist went to my face.

I cupped the cheek that was hit, smirking at Jinyoung who is now smiling as he lift me up by the collar with the help of his friends

His friends started started throwing punches and kicks at me as Jinyoung watched laughing.

I endured all of their hits. I fell on my knees after the last blow they made at my stomach.

"Get him up!" Jinyoung commanded and they hold me on both my arms and stood me up.

I looked at Carousel, only to realise that she is fully awake with eyes opened wide as she saw Jinyoung preparing to punch me.

"Prepare for your death Jeon Jungkook!" Jinyoung exclaimed as he throws out his fist


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