Chapter 17

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Carousel's POV

I woke up and saw Jungkook with his head on my hand. I felt something wet on my hand, where he his head was placed.

Is he crying?

"Why? Why did you do that?" Jungkook sobbed

I frowned when he said that. The answer was so simple...

"Why did you take the hit for me?" He continued, as his grip tightens on my hand

I couldn't bare watching him bawl his eyes out so I finally spoke.

"It's because I love you, silly" I put my hand on his head, caressing it.

He looked up and he immediately hugged me.

"Yah! Yeobo th-" I froze when he cried loudly on my neck.

"Why! I thought I had lost you!" He shouted, which honestly hurted my ears but I didn't mind it anymore.

Who'd die from taking a punch?

I comforted him by caressing his head again, up and down.

"Yeobo..." I looked at him, but all I could see is his hair

"Hmm..."  he sobbed as he lifted his head up and looked at mewith his tears continuing to fall from his eyes.

I saw the most cute yet vunlerable side of Jungkook. His eyes were red from crying too much, his hair was such a mess, probably because of me, he got blood stains in his shirt and- wait, WHAT!?


My eyes widen suddenly...

"Where did you get those?" I pointed at his shirt, referring to the blood stains.

"From carrying you, silly" he finally smiled

"Where are we anyways?" I scanned the room

"Hospital" he fixed the chair he was sitting on.

"Uh, what happened again?" I asked and he held my hand tight

Then he began to tell what happened...


Jungkook's POV

"Prepare for your death, Jeon Jungkook!" Jinyoung exclaimed as he throws out a fist

As he threw a fist, I closhed my eyes shut waiting for the impact


I heard the sound but I didn't feel it.

I opened my eyes and a saw a shocked and trembling Jinyoung with his fist raised. I looked at where his eyes were and my eyes widen when I saw Carousel, unconsciously laying on the floor.

My blood started to heat up agaisnt Jinyoung.

"You son of a bitch!" I shout as I punched him in the face which made hin fall to the ground.

He didn't fight back as he was still shocked from what happened

I then went to Carousel and turned her to face me but I just saw blood on her forehead, which made me panic even more.

"Guys! Call an ambulance! Please!" I exclaimed and one of our blockmates, Stephanie, took out her phone and dialed the ambulance.

"Jungkook, they're coming!" Stephanie said and I thanked her.

I wrapped my hankerchief around her her head to try and block the bleeding for a while

I carried Carousel bridal style and then rushed down to the ground floor. The security guards assisssted me when I arrived at the ground floor

Good thing the ambulance arrived only after minutes of waiting at the entrance of the building

Carousel finally was on the ambulance. The nurse started doing his thing while I held her hand the entire time.

The nurse finished doing his thing and gave me a form.

I filled in Carousel's information and gave it back to the nurse after.

We arrived at the hospital and Carousel was took to the emergency room.

"Sorry, but you have to wait here" the nurse stopped me from passing thtough .

"But I need to be there for her" I reasoned but still he didn't let me pass and closed the door shut.

I leaned back on the door and sat on the floor crying.

After 30 minutes or so, the doctor finally went out

"Are you her boyfriend?" The doctor asked

"Yes! Is she okay?" I stood up from the floor.

"She's okay now, don't worry it's nothing serious, a few days of rest will get her back up and going" the doctor assured me

"Thank you so much doc!" I shook his hand and he gestured me to go inside.

There I saw Carousel sleeping, I immediately rushed and held her again, keeping my head down on her hand then cried.


Carousel's POV

"Really it got that worse?" I said in shock as I held the wounded part of my head covered with gauze pads and tape.

"Yeah, it did" he nodded

"Shit!" I gasped


"I can't believe I did that!" I can't helo but laugh at what I did, he looked at me and began laughing as well.

"Well, they do say 'Love can make you do crazy, extra-ordinary things'" Jungkook cupped my cheeks (A/N: Did I get that quote right?)

"Well then, I guess I'm so in love with you..." I smiled as his face started leaning closer to mine

"Well, I love you too..." He said before finally kissing me.

"Do you want something?" He asked after he broke the kiss.

"Uhm... I want McFlurry!" I smiled and he chuckled

"Okay, I'll get going" he stood up and gave a peck to my forehead

"Be safe!" I waved and he smiled back before going out of the room.

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