Chapter 29

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I placed the letter I made for Carousel on the floor and made my way to the bed.

"What a great place to finish this..." I said as my hand wandered the bed

Feeling the warmth from sleeping with Carousel here.

"Carousel... Sohye... I'll miss the both of you so much!"

I took out the razor that was in my pocket.

I stared at it for a while before finally unwrapping it from it's cover.

"I love you both so much!" I said as I position the razor just above the vein my wrist.

"Sorry..." I started slicing slowly my left wrist.

Making it deep each cut I give myself.

It's funny how I ended up cutting my self again...

It's the second time my wrist became the canvas to my razor.

My face flinched as the pain gets to me

My body started shivering as blood flowed out from the wound I did to myself

I lie back spreading my arms wide and looked as the picture of us three that was in the desk table on my left.

Reminiscing the moments that we shared. The times we had ups and down, laughter, joy, and even grief.

Boy! How I wish we could spend time again like those days!

I can't believe I ruined my family just because of my lust!

Fuck myself for not being a patient and loyal husband to my one and only wife!

Heck, I even lied to her a couple of times already...

Tears started falling as my left arm started going numbed

My eyesight started getting dark as I looked back up.

"So-sorry.... for.... every... thing..." I managed to say before my sight completely blackens and finally lose consciousness.

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