Chapter 28

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Carousel's POV

Months passed and still I haven't reconciled with Jungkook and even Sejeong. He has been coming to our condo unit I bought for me and Sohye.

He kept knocking and knocking but I didn't bother responding. I keot Sohye in her roon whenever Jungkook was there. He would mostly sit next the door and lean on it while I hear his sobs. He would only leave when I would bang back the door signaling him to leave.

Sohye started missing him, so I'm finally gonna give him a chance to play with Sohye.

I'm taking Sohye to our home, well used to be our 'home'

I parked the car and Sohye excitedly looked at me.

"Yay! We're going to meet with Appa!" Sohye hurriedly opened the door and ran to the gate.

"Aish! That girl" I mumbled as I took the keys and closed the door.

"Eomma! Hurry up! Hurry!" Sohye said with gestures

"Wait! Okay!" I said as I find the keys to the house

"Here!" I show Sohye the keys before I unlock the gate.

We entered and walked to the main door.

"Appa!" Sohye knocked multiple times but he didn't answer back.

"Eomma, are you sure Appa's here?" She asked frowning a bit

"I think so, do you want me to open the door?" I asked pulling the keys out of my bag

She nodded and I immediately unlocked the door and opened it.

"Yah! Jeon Jungk-" I couldn't finish what I was suppose to say from the sight I saw.

The living room was a mess! It's like a tornado just went by. There were broken vases, plates, chairs, tables and more.

I immediately carried Sohyeas we look around the house.

"Eomma, I'll look for Appa upstairs, okay?" Sohye got down by herself and went upstairs.

While Sohye was in the second floor, I searched in the kitchen, dining area and even our backyard but he's nit there.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook.... Where are you?" I mumbled as I held my chest

I went up the second floor to look for Sohye but she's also not there.

"Maybe she went to the third floor?" I said as I was taking the stairs that lead to the third floor.

"EOMMA!!!!" Sohye screamed which startled me and made me worry.

I immediately rushed to our master's bedroom where the scream came from.

What the?

Jeon Jungkook...

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