Chapter 31

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Jungkook's POV

I was randomly flicking through channels when this random commercial at a beach resort show up.


"Jagiya!!" I yelled from the living room.

"Yes yeobo?" Carousel replied as she went down the stairs while scrolling through her phone.

"Let's go to the beach!" I showed her one of my brightest smile as I  suggested it.

"Are you serious?" She asked with an unsure look on her face as she say down besides me.

My arm moved automatically as it wrapped around her, "Yes of course I'm serious."

"How about Sohye? Will she come with us?" She looked at me then rested her head on my shoulder.

"Of course not!" I grinned at her which made her chuckle as she stood up. She looked at me and smiled, "You got yourself a beach date!", then walked towards the stairs. "I'll pack our stuff for 2 days only, I have work on Monday" She said while she went up the stairs.

"Sure thing!" I nodded then turned off the TV. I then got my phone and booked us a room at the beach resort I saw.


We picked up Sohye in school and then dropped her off at her Uncle Taehyung's house. After that, we headed straight to the beach resort that was just a couple of hours of drive away.

While driving, Carousel would occasionally hold my crotch and tease me.

"Ugh, stop teasing me please..." I timidly complain, trying to focus on the road and not on her hand that's rubbing my already hardened dick.

"Really? You want me to stop?" She smirked at me then giggled a bit.

"Yes! I'm sure of it...." I avoided looking at her and just focused on the road again, "I'm driving...." I mumbled.

"Okay, okay..." She giggled again as she leaned back on her seat, "But I gotta say, you're member there is saying the opposite!" This time she laughed.

I looked at the rear view mirror and saw myself blushing, Fuck, "Let's do that later, go crazy there..." I glanced at her before locking my eyes on the road again.

"Sure thing Yeobo." She nodded then closed her eyes, "I'll rest for a while", and with that she drifted to sleep a few minutes later.


We arrived at the resort and checked in our Presidential suite.

"We're here!" She squealed as we enter the suite. "Yeobo, put the bags there" Carousel pointed at the shelves near the refrigerator. I nodded then placed the bag on the shelves.

I sat on the bed and lay back, "Phew! That was a long drive, wasn't it?" I heaved a sigh.

"Yep, sure was!" She chuckled then went on top of me, "And now that we're here, can we do it now?"

"Nope!" I shook my head then got her off of me then stood up to do some stretching. She pouted then sighed in defeat, "Fine, fine..."

"So, shall we go take a stroll on the beach?" I offered my hand like a prince would do. "It would be my pleasure." She held my hand and went with the flow as did a cute curtsy like a princess.


To be honest, Carousel is sometimes such a child seriously. Look at her, she's just there splashing water  everywhere just like a child would do. I have to admit though, that's one of the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my life. She may be childish sometimes, but that's one of the traits I love about her.

Everything about her is just so perfect! And fits well together. Sometimes, I ask myself questions like "Why am I so lucky to have her to be my wife?". When I proposed to her, I swore that I'll make her happy for the rest of her life.


"Yeobo!!" She called me, waving her hands with a bit of aegyo.

Which I find cute anyways.

"Join me!" She smiled at me as she gestured me to go on the water.

I chuckled as I ran towards her, "Here I go!", I got by her side and started splashing her with water. "Hey! Stop it!!" She laughed as she tried to block the water I kept aiming at her. "Stop me then!" I smirked then continued doing what I did. "Fine then!!" She puffed her cheeks then surprisingly jumped on me which made me fall back on the water.

We both laughed at ourselves being so childish and all.


After taking a stroll around the beach to dry ourselves up from playing in the water too long, we had a dinner buffet at the resort's restaurant. Carousel was so hungry that she ate twice as many as I did, and because of that I carried her on my back all the way back to our suite because she was too full to walk.

"We're back Jagiya..." I smiled to myself as I opened the door, knowing that she probably is already asleep.

I laid her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket. I made sure she was comfortable before preparing my change of clothes.

As I was about to go inside the bathroom, "Yeobo...", I heard Carousel mumbled which made me look back at her and reply, "Yes?". "Thank you, I love you..." she smiled at me, making me get blush and smile back at her.

"I love you too, always remember that I'll always love you no matter what till the end, okay?"  I went to our bed and sat besides her then kissed her forehead sweetly. "You're the only one..." this time I kissed her nose. "My love will always be yours..." and last but mot the least I kissed her in the lips.

It was a short yet sweet kiss, I made sure she felt all my love for her in that one kiss and she gave back as well. I can say this is one of our best kiss ever.

I pulled away and she smiled, "I'll take a shower now" I ruffled her hair then went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After that, I got on the bed besides Carousel and hugged her tightly, "Good night, Jagiya..." I snuggled closer to her. "Good night as well, Yeobo!" She chuckled as she hugged back. We kissed each other good night then fell asleep shortly.


After a couple of hours, I suddenly woke up finding myself handcuffed on the bed, naked.

"Carousel? What is this?" I looked at her. She giggled and then started playing with my already hardening cock. "Well, you said earlier that I can go crazy here, so here I am! Now be a good prisoner and listen to me, okay?"

"Y-yes ma'am..." I just nodded, and with that we started making love for the rest of evening.

I love her so much!


Sorry for the long wait!!

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