Secret Stash

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An exasperated sigh escapes your lips as you walk the halls of your best friend's sanctuary. Paisley Park. A place he's called home for years.

Well, one of them.

You call it his sanctuary because it's one of the places he goes when a sudden burst of inspiration hits him.

Or when he needs to escape.

You sigh again as you absentmindedly run your fingers along the wall, remembering how bad it had gotten between him and his second ex-wife, Manuela, the last time they were together. After she left him for good, he locked himself away and wouldn't talk to you for a long time. The only way you were informed of the divorce was through the media.

The media. Not the man that was supposed to be your so called "best friend."

You shared everything together. Now all of a sudden he decided to keep that from you?


As you turned the corner, you remembered how much he despised it when you'd touch the walls while you walked, but you didn't care.

You were just happy that he was talking to you. You also hoped that it was inspiration that had him stuck in Studio B and he wasn't having relationship problems.

You wouldn't be able to handle it if he started that shutting you out crap again.

In fact, that's why you had to step out of the studio and take a mini tour of the second floor to clear your mind. You felt an  argument brewing between you the second you brought up the reason you two hadn't been speaking and you just had to get out of there before you said anything you couldn't take back.

Plus, there was also that little nugget of curiosity that was eating away at you.

In all of the years you've known each other and the times you've visited him, he'd never allow you to go up to the second floor without him being with you.

And when he was with you, he'd always make sure you wouldn't touch anything in his room. Usually you'd respect his privacy.

But not this time.

This time, you wanted to see what was so special about his room and why he wouldn't let you touch any of his precious items.

Or rather, one item in particular.

You've seen it plenty of times before, wedged between two books, but you've never had the nerve to take a look just to see what it was.

Still the sight of it had you curious.

What is it? You'd always ask yourself, but when you finally got up the nerve to ask Prince about it, he just brushed it off, telling you to stop being nosy.

But you couldn't.

Something was nagging at you to see what he was hiding. And you were about to find out exactly what it was very soon.

"Here goes nothing." You mutter to yourself as you stop in front of a room that's familiar to you.

His room.

Your hand hovers over the doorknob, unsure of whether you should go through with this or not.

But curiosity overpowers any doubt that you're having.

"Stop being a wuss, ___________ . Just go inside." You tell yourself, gathering up all your courage just to open a door to a room you've been in thousands of times before.

It sounds silly, but the reasoning for why you were at his bedroom door in the first place made you even more nervous.

And you were terrified at the possibility of being caught.

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