Turn On The...Red Light?

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For MariahHenderson1997 ,

"No, we're not doing that."

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun," He mutters against her skin as his hands simultaneously caress her thighs. Mariah hated that he had her in this position. Her leaning against the countertop in their kitchen with his face buried in her neck. He knew she'd do anything for him in a heartbeat.

But this...this was different.

"I said no, Prince," She replied softly, giggling as his lips lightly brushed against her skin, "We're not risking anyone seeing us in a compromising position. It could ruin your career."

"Or help it..."


"What?" He chuckles lowly, pulling back to survey her face. She sighed softly, rolling her eyes in a playful manner, as he continued speaking, "I'm just kidding, baby. It'll be for our eyes only."

"Yeah, until it gets in the wrong hands and the media finds out about it."


"The answer is still no, Prince," Mariah interrupts him, chuckling softly at the defeated expression on his face, "I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed."

"Alright," He replied with a sigh, stepping back to allow her to leave, "You're no fun."

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Mariah chuckled softly, turning on her heels and heading for their bedroom. Prince scoffed, loudly, most likely on purpose so she could hear him. She didn't even have to turn around to know he was following behind her.

"No you're not," He muttered, closing the door behind them once they made it inside. Mariah walked over to her drawer and opened it as she listened to Prince complain, "You just like to torture me."

"No, I don't," She giggled, grabbing her pajamas and sitting them on the bed. She closed the drawer and opened the one under it, "I just don't want you dealing with any negative attention from the media."

"You act like I'm asking you to do something extreme," Prince scoffed, plopping himself down on the bed as Mariah grabbed her underwear, "It's just a video that'll be safe with us. No one will see it."

"It only takes one of us to leave the camera sitting around for a member of the staff to see," She replied, closing the drawer and proceeding to undress, "Who knows? They might be upset with you that day and decide to sell whatever's on the tape."

"Now, you're just being ridiculous."

"No, I'm being logical. And cautious. We're in this together. Whatever happens to you, happens to me. So, if we make this tape and it gets leaked, it'll reflect terribly on both of us."

"Okay, you're right," Prince sighs, his hazel orbs roaming over Mariah's frame as she wraps her towel around her body, "it was a stupid idea. I thought it would be fun."

"Oh, trust me. If things were different, this idea of yours would've been so much fun. Right now, it's not."

He sighs softly again, but says nothing back in response. She lets out her own sigh as she turns and heads for the bathroom.

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