In The Nude [PT. 2]

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For paisleystoryteller ,

My name. She called my name. I couldn't believe that I actually won. I thought I was hearing things when she opened that tiny slip of paper and finally spoke. It took Renee screaming while grabbing hold of my arm and shaking me for it to finally register in my brain.

"You won! Omg you won!" Renee's voice boomed over the murmur of the students. I chuckled softly. Her excitement was beginning to rub off on me, "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you. I can't believe it."

"Well, believe it, girl. Your drawings are always amazing."

"Alright everyone," Tucking her hair behind her ear after throwing the tiny slip of paper away, Karen addressed the class again, "That's our time for today. I'd like for our winner to stay behind. Everyone else, you're free to go."

Stay behind? Oh no.

"Why does she need me to stay behind?" I unintentionally whispered aloud, running my fingers through my hair. There wasn't anything more we needed to discuss. Prince will be using my art for his album cover. What else do they need from me?

"I don't know," Renee mutters, her green orbs sparkling with curiosity as they bore into mine. I didn't think she heard me. A small smile makes its way to her lips as she stood to her feet, "I should go, but you better tell me what happened later."

"Of course," I couldn't help but laugh at the way her eyebrow raised while her eyes narrowed. Almost as if she were daring me not to tell her. The corners of her mouth turned upward once again.

"Don't forget."

"I won't."

I watched as Renee filed out of the room with everyone else. Of course, Monica lingered in the doorway for a few minutes with a look i couldn't decipher. If she was upset about me winning, there's nothing I could do. I let out a soft sigh as she finally walked out and closed the door behind her.

Now, i was alone with Karen... and Prince.

"Thank you for staying," After picking up my artwork off her desk, Karen turned to me and smiled, "I will be right back. I'm going to make a couple of copies of this if that's okay."

"Yes, that's perfectly fine with me."

"Good," Her smile never faltered even as she left the room. My eyes drifted from the now closed door to the floor, silently examining the carpet tiles while my hand slowly glided up and down my arm.

"I loved your drawing," I didn't even have to look up to know that he was speaking to me. With my bottom lip tucked between my teeth, I shivered slightly as that low, sexy timbre caressed my ears again, "You captured exactly what I was looking for when I envisioned the cover for my album."

"Thank you," Bringing my eyes up to his, I allowed a small smile to make its way to my lips, "I'm so glad you loved it."

"I really did. You're amazing. In more ways than one."

My eyebrow raised at that last statement. Was he...flirting with me?

"Oh really? How so?"

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