Never Have We Ever.

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A low frustrated groan slipped past your lips as you stretched out on the couch, your eyes were fixated on the ceiling above you before deciding to close them. All you wanted to do was spend time with your best friend.

All he wanted to do was work.

After opening your eyes, rolling them, and mumbling obscenities under your breath, you turn on your left side so you can look at him. Sure enough, he was still toying with the buttons on the studio console just as he was before you had woken up from your nap.

"P...?." You call out to him, wanting to let him know you were finally awake. Or at least get him to look at you.

"Hmm...?." He mumbles, still fiddling with those buttons, making you sigh and roll your eyes for the second time tonight. You were growing even more frustrated than you had been before.

"Can you look at me for a minute please?"

He sighs, stops what he's doing and turns his head to look at you. "What's up?"

"I thought we were supposed to be hanging out today?"

"We are."

"No. You're working. I'm just laying here. That's not us hanging out."

"Okay." He says, another sigh leaving his lips. "What do you want to do then?"

"I don't know. Something fun."

"Like what?"

"Umm." You begin as you sit up, trying to think of something you can do. Sure, your best friend was down for anything when it came to you. Depending on what that something is you wanted him to do. "How about we play a game?"

"Okay." He says, turning around in his chair and giving you his full attention now, the corners of his lips curling upward into a small smile. "What kind of game?"

"Oh, might not want to play it." You mumble, waving off the bit of excitement you heard in his voice. He might not be so eager to do this if he knew what type of game you wanted to play. His smile turns into a slight frown.


"It's a drinking game. You don't drink anything other than red wine."

"You're right. I don't. I guess we'll have to find something else to do then."

"Oh, come on. Let's just play one round. It'll be fun. And we can even substitute whatever drink i wanted for your precious wine."

That made him chuckle.

"Tell you what, how about you never say 'precious wine' again and maybe i'll take a shot of vodka?"

Your eyes widen slightly at his words. Was he serious?

"You're gonna take a shot? You?"

"I said maybe. I didn't say i would." He replies, laughing lightly at the surprise in your tone. You giggle softly.

"I know what you said. I'm just a little shocked that you would even consider doing it."

"I bet you were." he chuckles as he stands to his feet, walks over to you, and holds out his hand for you to take. "Come on. Let's play this game before i change my mind."

"We're not playing it in here?" You ask with a smile as you take his hand and stand to your feet. A sly smirk makes its way to his lips.

"Oh, we are. But we need liquor, right?"

"Wait...You ran out of wine?"

"No." He laughs a little as he leads you out of the studio. "We need something a little stronger, don't you think?"

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