Decisions, Decisions...

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For, ExtraordinarySarah

"I love this song!" I couldn't hold back my excitement or the giggle that escaped my lips as music blared from the large speakers sitting in the corner of my parents living room. Today couldn't have been more perfect.

"You say that every time it comes on," I turned around, becoming face to face with my best friend Tevin. My smile widened immediately as I wrapped my arms around him. I hadn't seen him since I left.

"Oh shut up. I can't help that it's one of my favorites."

"Mmm-hmm. So, how does it feel to be a college graduate?"

I took a moment to think about that. How does it feel? Exciting, wonderful, and terrifying all at the same time. But I'm ready for something new.

"I'm a little scared, if I'm being honest," I couldn't lie to Tevin. He'd see right through me if I did.

A small smile played on the corners of his lips as his eyes roamed over my face, "There's no need to be scared. I know you're gonna be just fine."

"I know, but-."

"Sarah, you're getting in your own head again."

"Okay, okay," I giggled, "You're right. There's no need for me to be scared."

"Exactly," His smile widened, "And you already know I'll be here for you whenever you need anything."

"I know. Thank you, Tev."

"Of course."

"So, I was thinking," I began, but my attention was taken elsewhere as my eyes landed on the figure walking towards us. Tevin turned around and smiled.

"You made it just in time," He said, walking over and giving the man a hug. I watched silently, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Tevin turned his attention to me now, "Sarah, this is the Kid. Kid, this is my best friend Sarah."

"Nice to meet you," I extended my hand to him and he took it. His hand was very warm, yet soft and a little rough at the same time. If that makes any sense.

"The pleasure is all mine," The smile on his face never wavered as his thumb ran gently back and forth across my skin. I smiled back. I'd be lying if I were to say I wasn't charmed by this handsome stranger.

"I invited him here tonight," Tevin spoke up, breaking us out of our trance. I nodded, "I hope that's okay."

"Yes, that's totally fine. It's a celebration, right?"

"Oh yeah," I fought the urge to roll my eyes as a hand slowly brushed over my shoulder, "A huge celebration. For Sarah and I."

"You wish, Morris," Was my quick reply, a fit of laughter threatening to make its way to the surface despite my efforts to keep it at bay. He sighed. Tevin and the Kid watched the scene unfold before them, amusement etched across their features.

"Oh, come on, Sarah. I know you want me."

"I do not."

"You do," His usual soft laughter was replaced with something close to a birds squawk. I had to stop myself from covering my ears. It was so loud, "Jerome told me how much you talk about me when I'm not around."

"Oh really?" I couldn't hold back anymore. I let out a soft giggle that turned into full on laughter, leaving Morris very confused, "Did he mention how annoying I think you are?"

"He...failed to mention that little detail."

"I knew he would. Typical Jerome."

"So, you really don't like me?" He seemed genuinely hurt by the thought of this. I felt bad. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I sighed softly, deciding to be honest with him.

"It's not that. It's can be...a lot sometimes. And you come on a little too strong."


"But nothing," Another soft sigh escaped my lips, "If you really want someone, you have to be direct, but not come off as if you're trying too hard. You get me?"

"Yeah," He nodded, "So, if I were to ask you to go out with me some time-."

"She'd say she already has plans," My eyes darted toward The Kid who was staring back at me with a mischievous glint in his hazel orbs. I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh? With whom?"

"With me."

"How is that if you haven't asked her out yet?" Morris was curious about this, and so was I. The Kid smiled.

"I was actually planning on that before you showed up," He replied softly, giving me a wink that made me giggle, "So, if you don't mind."

"Sarah, do you really want to go out with this guy?" Morris asks, his eyes roaming over my face, "I can do more for you than he can."

"You don't know that."

"Remember the last woman you tried to take to that re-."

"Guys," Tevin quickly interrupts them, "Instead of arguing, why don't you let Sarah decide who she'd like to go out with?"

Immediately, everyone in the room turned to look at me, waiting for me to say something. Anything. I hadn't even noticed that the music was no longer playing. Fuck.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there.

A/N: Here's a little late thanksgiving surprise from me to you. Enjoy 💜

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