In Control.

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For TheWritingWizard16 ,

"Isn't this amazing?" I spoke softly to no one in particular as I gave my horse, Betty, a gentle pat on her cheek. Taking in the scenery before me, I had to admit it was breathtaking to say the very least. Lately, I haven't had much time to enjoy things like this, especially now that my parents, Ashanti and Adofo, are adamant about me inheriting the kingdom one day.

Me? Inherit the kingdom? Yeah, right. I can barely initiate a normal conversation. I don't know anything about running an entire country!

"Oh, this is wonderful," Tossing my dress off to the side, I glanced to my left to be sure no one was looking in my direction as I walked toward the clear blue lake just a few feet away. Father would have a fit if he knew what I was about to do. I can't even imagine how mother would feel.

One dip of my toe in the water was the method for testing the temperature. It was cold as ice, due to the cool morning breeze, but I had to make this quick.

Who knows when I'd ever get to do something like this again?

With a small yelp, I wasted no time diving straight into the water, letting myself be submerged for as long as I could stand before bringing myself back up to the surface.

"Having fun?" I almost jumped out of my skin as my eyes landed on a figure of a man walking toward me. At that moment, I wanted to dive underwater and never come back up.

I thought I was alone out here.

"Maybe," My arms wrapped protectively around my upper torso, trying my best to hide from his prying eyes. The corners of his lips curled upward as he crouched down to my level, his hazel orbs never leaving mine, "You enjoying the show?"

He's gorgeous. I haven't seen him around here before.

"Maybe," His smile widened a bit, "You do realize you're not allowed to swim out here, right?"

"It doesn't hurt to bend the rules every once in a while, I suppose," A small smile made its way to my lips. He must not know who I am. That's good.

"I see."

"Did you follow me here?"

"No," The low raspy chuckle that escaped his lips was like music to my ears, "I was already close by and heard a scream, so I thought someone was in trouble. Until I walked over here."



There was a brief silence between us. It was a little awkward, if I'm being completely honest. I had no idea what to say to him after he's seen me like this.

Gosh...he must think I'm a...a...I don't even want to think, let alone speak the horrid word out loud. It's too embarrassing.

"I think I'd better get out of this water before someone else sees me like this," Breaking our silence, I chuckled softly to make it less humiliating, letting my fingertips tap against my arm while keeping my eyes locked with his, "And you probably should turn around or leave now."

"So demanding," He mutters jokingly, standing to his full height and turning away so he wouldn't see anything. It made me laugh a little louder.

"I am not. I just— I don't want to embarrass myself any further by letting you see me like this."

"Oh...I see."

"No peeking over there," I remind him, trying to keep my upper torso covered as I stepped out of the water. He chuckled.

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