In Love.

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For mjscurls01,

Blissfully happy

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Blissfully happy. That's what he was at the moment. And he couldn't wait to share this with the world. No matter if he was breaking his own privacy rule. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly as he sat in front of the mirror, getting the finishing touches on his hair. Physically, he was there. But, his mind was elsewhere.

"Earth to P. Hello....Prince?"


"Did you hear what I just asked you?" Prince's stylist, Kim Berry, asked, her question seemingly going in one ear and out of the other due to Prince's lack of focus.

"No, I uh...what were you saying?" He muttered, eyes widening as he finally brought himself back to reality. Kim chuckled softly. She knew that look all too well.

"I asked you what did you think of how you look?"

"'s good. It's fine."

"P, what's going on with you?" Kim frowns slightly, although there's a small smirk tugging at her lips, "You seem a little...distracted today."

"N-nothing. I'm fine, Kim, " Her eyes narrow at his response. She's been working for him long enough to know when he's lying or telling the truth.

"Don't lie to me, Prince. There's something wrong."

"Well, not wrong, exactly. Everything is perfect."

"Then, why are you so distracted?" Kim couldn't hide her smile. She knew it had something to do with a woman. Or many different women, knowing Prince.

"I can't stop thinking about her, " He confessed, the vivid image of her suddenly coming to the forefront of his mind, "Her smile, her hair, the way she laughs out loud when she finally gets the joke I told her twenty minutes later. I can still smell the sweet floral scent of her French Lavender perfume on my jacket. She hugged me before I left. That was two days ago."

"You're in love. I can tell."

"I am."

"Who is this woman that tamed the great Prince Rogers Nelson?" Kim joked, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she waited for his answer. After hearing that description, she needed to know exactly who this woman was so she could thank her. It was nice seeing Prince happy for a change and she wanted to make her aware of that.

"Tamed?" He laughed, "You make me sound like some wild animal."



"What? I was just kidding," Kim giggles, quickly interrupting Prince before he could finish his sentence, "I'm just very surprised to hear you speak so strongly about this woman."

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