Just Love Me.

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"You did WHAT?!." Your voice boomed throughout the quiet aisle of your favorite clothing store as you stare your--Whatever he is to you-- down with your arms folded over your chest and a slight frown etched across your features. Your _____ orbs roam over his face, searching for any signs of a joke. You couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth.

"Keep your voice down," Prince warns through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing slightly, daring you to raise your voice again, "I'm already taking a risk even being out in public with you. We don't need to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

"I don't give a damn what type of attention we're drawing right now. You're going to answer my fucking question whether you want to or not."

"Watch your language," he chided lowly, stepping a little closer so the people around you won't hear anymore of your conversation, "I don't have to answer anything you ask if I don't want to. Now, hurry up and get what you need so we can go."

"Don't tell me to watch my language. I can cuss if I want to. And don't rush me just because you don't want to be seen in here with someone you're screw--,"

"_________ , I'm warning you. Keep your voice down."

"Or what?"

"Just go get what you need so we can go. You're wasting my time and yours," He mutters, reaching out to grab your arm, but you slap his hand away.

"Don't touch me. I can walk," You spat, turning on your heels and heading toward the direction of some accessories that caught your eye.

Sighing softly, you let your mind replay everything that has happened in your life this past week. Even though you both hadn't established what this new found relationship of yours was and you had no idea whether he was just a friend, a lover, or your boyfriend, it still hurt to know that he wasn't considering how you'd feel about what he's done.

Actually, he hasn't considered your feelings at all, to be honest.

"Did you find what you're looking for?" Prince's soft baritone in your ear brought you back to the task at hand. You hadn't realized how long you were lost in your thoughts until this very moment.

"Are you going to repeat what you told me when we walked in here?"


"Well, there's your answer," You tell him, placing the earrings that were resting in your hands down, and walked over to the elevator that was a few feet away from you. He sighs, following behind you.

"Look, can we just talk about this when we get back home? I don't want us to cause a bigger scene than we already are," He speaks in a low tone only you can hear as he watches you press the button to call the elevator. You roll your eyes.

"Fine. Just let me see if they have anything new on the upper level and then we can go."

He nods as the elevator dings and the doors open a few minutes later. He allows you to walk in first and he walks in afterward, pressing the button to close the doors.

There was only silence. Neither of you were willing to speak unless the other did. It was like a game for the two of you.

"I kissed her," His words break into the silence before you could even register what he was saying to you. Your eyes widen.


"I kissed her," He repeats his words a little louder so you can hear them. You frown slightly, feeling your heart breaking into pieces. How could he do this to you? "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? That's a first," You reply after a few minutes of silence, scoffing at his words. He was never one to apologize for anything he's done.

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