Private Dancer.

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For MakeThatChange96 ,

Well, I guess nothing says work efficiency like panic mode. The moment I walked backstage, it was pure chaos. People were scrambling around, trying to figure out what to do. I didn't want to be nosy, but I wanted to know what had everyone so worked up.

That's when I saw it.

Damon, one of the dancers in the Game Boyz, was crumpled up into a fetal position on the floor, wailing out of pure agony. My heart sunk as I watched him reach for his leg while everyone around him tried to keep him from touching it.

"What happened?" I asked Jill Willis, Prince's manager, my eyes never leaving Damon, as she walked over to me. She sighed.

"The boys were rehearsing for the show. Apparently, either he missed a step or he turned the wrong way, I'm not sure," She mutters softly as we both watch the EMT lift Damon up from his position on the floor and sat him on a nearby couch, "I just know he was like this when I walked in."

"Is it broken?"

"I don't know. It looks like it."


"I don't know what to do here, Chloe," She confesses with a long sigh. I felt so bad for her at this moment. I place my hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner as she continues speaking, "The show is about to start in thirty minutes. If his leg is broken, they can't go out there."

"Oh, come on. I'm sure two backup dancers will be just fine for the show. You can make this work."

"But how?," Both of us were deep in thought after those words spilled from her lips. How was she going to make this work? That was a good question, I thought, my eyes drifting over to the couch, catching a glimpse of the EMT as he went to work on making sure Damon's leg wasn't broken before deciding to transport him to the hospital.

I shrugged slightly, not really knowing what to tell her. Honestly, this was sort of a last minute situation. She couldn't possibly get a third person to go out there with them without being able to rehearse first.

"Wait a second," Jill says suddenly, her eyes widening a little as she brings them up to mine, "You're not performing tonight, right?"

"Right. Why?"

"Could you go out there in Damon's place?"

"What?!" I almost yelled, capturing the attention of a few of the artists that were walking around. Jill shushed me.

"Calm down, okay? Prince's set isn't that long. You're one of the best dancers out there. And the only one I can trust to not mess this up."

"I don't know, Jill," I mumble softly with a sigh, running my fingers through my hair. Being on stage by myself is one thing, being on stage dancing with two other people without having rehearsed beforehand is another. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Jill pouts a little, making a grumbling noise in the back of her throat. I chuckled lightly.

"Come on, Chloe. If you do this for me, I'll never ask you for anything else."


"Please? Prince will kill me if he doesn't have three dancers. I need you."

"Fine. I'll do it," I mutter, playfully rolling my eyes at her overdramatic words. She cheers gleefully, grabbing my hands as she jumps up and down saying thank you over and over.

"Do what?" A soft, yet deep male voice asks as he walks up to us the moment Jill calms down. I gasped, not expecting him to hear us. He wasn't back here at first.

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