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For Yana_Artsy ,

How could you? Was the first thought that came to mind as I stood in the doorway of our bedroom, watching the man I thought loved me scramble to pick his clothes up off the floor while the woman he was screwing did the same. Tears rolled silently down my cheeks, displaying the hurt and pain I tried to mask with anger.

I couldn't believe it. Apollonia of all people.

"Baby, I-," Prince tried to speak once he was finally dressed, but I raised my hand to silence him. My eyes narrowed slightly as Apollonia breezed past me, mumbling a soft excuse me under her breath on her way out the door. I decided to let her go instead of confronting her. This wasn't her fault as far as I could see. It was his. Gathering all of the strength that I could muster, I turned my tear-filled gaze toward Prince.

"I don't want to hear any of your lies. Not tonight," I said quietly, with a light sniffle, as fresh tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. He sighed, but decided to let me finish, "I just want to know why."

"It just happened. It wasn't planned," He replies softly, his hazel orbs focused on the floor instead of me. Bringing his hand up to rest on the back of his neck, he still wouldn't look at me as he continued speaking, "I invited her over last week after we filmed our final scene together so we could just talk. One thing led to another, and--I swear it meant nothing to me. She means nothing."

"If she meant nothing to you, then why bring her into our home? In our bed? Explain that to me."

"I told you, this wasn't something planned. I love you too much to even think about hurting you intentionally."

"Bullshit!" I almost screamed, quickly raking my fingers through my hair. My blood was boiling. Did he really have the nerve to claim he loves me when he was just with someone else? "You don't love me. You never did."

"That's not true, baby."

"Yes, it is. If you loved me like you say you do, you wouldn't have brought that bi--."

"Stop it," Prince quickly interrupts me before the expletive could spill from my lips, finally giving me his undivided attention. He steps forward, grabbing both of my hands, which I in turn snatch from his grasp. Ignoring my snarky attitude, he takes my hands in his again. This time, I don't snatch them away as he continues speaking, "You are the woman I'm in love with. You are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Not her."

"Yeah, right," I mutter, removing my hands from his. Fresh tears formed in my eyes as I stepped back a little, but I refused to let them fall, "You and I both know that if I forgive you for this, you'll just turn around and do it all over again."


"Don't, Prince. Okay? Don't try and tell me you wouldn't do it. You'd be lying if you do."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do," I reply, mentally scolding myself as the tears I was trying to hold back finally fell. I wasn't supposed to let him see me cry. Not again, "We've been through this before. Or have you forgotten about Vanity already?"

The way his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched let me know he hadn't forgotten her one bit. It almost made me smile. I had him right there.

Prince Imagines. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ