Blood Lust.

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For -Badgirl_Gigi- ,

Prince's POV

Prince's POV

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The sound of her heart skipping a beat hit my ears like the slow ticking of a clock on the wall. One right after another. It was maddening.

"Just keep it together, P," I muttered softly to myself, my bloodshot eyes never leaving the tiny frame waltzing in my direction. I let out an unnecessary shaky breath, "Let her come to you."

She couldn't even see me waiting there, in the dark, as she crossed the street. That made it even better. My entire being was beckoning her to me, and she obeyed my wordless command unknowingly like a moth to a flame.


There goes her heart again. Only this time, it beat a little faster than before. Was she...scared? Nervous? Good. That's exactly what I wanted.

"H-hello?" Her timid voice broke the eerie silence, interrupting my quiet musings. I had to stifle a small chuckle at how child like she sounded. She cleared her throat before speaking again, "I-is anyone there?."

I almost wanted to keep her waiting. Keep her wondering if anyone had been following her. But I couldn't. I had to make this quick and get out of here.

"Need something, miss?" I asked, as innocently as I could muster, finally stepping forward to greet her. The soft gasp that escaped her slightly parted lips let me know she wasn't expecting anyone to really answer her. I chuckled lowly at her reaction.

She's gorgeous, but there was no need for me to ask for her name. Not tonight.


"Are you looking for someone?"

"A-Actually, I thought I heard someone calling my name," She replied, her breath quickening slightly as she brought her frantic eyes up to mine again. Good. I want her to be afraid of me. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she continued speaking, "I must've been hearing things." 

"I see," I responded with a small smile, "Do you live close? I could walk you home if you'd like."

"Oh, that's not necessary. I'll be alright getting home myself."

"Are you sure? A beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn't be out here walking alone. Especially at night."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I have someone as handsome as you to protect me, right?" She mutters, a small smile making its way to her lips. I chuckled lowly.

"Yes, it's a very good thing. Now, let's get you home, shall we?"

She nods. I step aside and allow her to walk in front of me so she could lead the way to her house, cringing slightly as I breathed in her soft, feminine scent the moment she brushed past me.

God, she smelled so good.

Just wait a little longer, P.

I could barely keep it together as we turned the corner. I was almost tempted to grab her right then and there, but I held back. It was all too much. She was too much.

"So, this is it," she says quietly, running her fingers through her hair, as we walk up to her two-story brownstone apartment. It actually didn't look too bad from the outside. She turned to me, offering a shy smile, "I would invite you in for something to eat or drink, but it's late, so..." 

"Oh, I understand," I replied, a little disappointed, but thankful that she didn't offer. I didn't have much of an appetite these days, but I did want a drink, "Maybe next time then."


"So, I'll see you around sometime?" This time, I was the one to offer up a shy smile although the thoughts consuming my mind were far from innocent. My eyes landed on her plump lips, watching as her tongue snuck out, wetting them.

"I guess you will," She replied, so softly I almost missed it. I chuckled. Clearing her throat awkwardly, the next words that came out of her mouth made my eyebrow raise, "Um, I don't usually do this, but something is telling me I should hug you right now. Do you mind if I come a little closer?"

Closer? Of course, you can.

"No, I don't mind at all," I respond almost at a loss for words. She was brave for wanting to hug me. Very brave.

She stepped closer to me, wanting to close the space between us. I had to remind myself to remain calm as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My own arms immediately snaked around her tiny little waist.

For a moment, I'd forgotten why I tracked her down in the first place. Until I buried my face into her neck.

"Mmm," Her sweet scent enveloped me, and I lost myself in it for a while. God, she smelled so good. Before I knew it, my teeth were sinking into her warm, delicate flesh.

I couldn't even begin to describe the taste. But, I will say, it was nothing short of orgasmic.

"Wh-wha-," She tried to speak but was cut off by the feel of my teeth sinking deeper into her skin. An involuntary moan slipped past my lips as I sucked every bit of blood from her tiny frame. Slowly, as if I were sipping from a straw.

I couldn't get enough.

Her arms began to fall away from my neck as she began losing consciousness, but I held her up, determined not to let her go before I had my fill.

At least, until tomorrow.

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