In The Nude [PT. 1].

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For, paisleystoryteller ,

"How late am I?" I whispered to my best friend, Renee, the moment I walked into the room. It was almost full, but luckily no one was staring in my direction. She turned to look at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"You're fine. It hasn't started yet," She replied as I took the seat next to her.

"Oh, good," I mumbled, taking out my sketchbook and pencils, "I didn't want to miss anything."

"Good afternoon everyone," Every head turned at the sound of our instructors voice as she walked into the room. Indistinct chatter from a few people quieted immediately as she took her place in the center of the room, "Today, we're going to do a little something different from what you're used to."

There was a brief pause as she grabbed a chair and placed it beside her.

"We will be doing a little drawing today instead of finishing our paintings as planned," A few groans from the students made her chuckle before finishing her thought, "I know you're disappointed, but i promise you, this will be worth it."

The door opened as she draped a towel over the chair, making everyone turn toward the sound. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and my eyes widened slightly as a man walked into the room, his loose curls brushing over his shoulders with every step. Was he wearing...a robe?

"Ah, perfect timing," Our instructor, Karen's, voice broke the awkward silence as the man walked over to her, "Today, we will be drawing the male figure in his natural state."

"Natural state?" I muttered softly, my eyes never leaving the man waiting patiently beside Karen. A few of the male students let out a frustrated groan at this change, but I was all for it.

The moment his hands drifted to the strings on his robe, my breath caught in my throat. Natural state. Oh my, I thought as my eyes roam over him, he's going to be naked. While we draw him. I almost lost it when he finally opened the robe, letting it slide off his shoulders and drop to the floor. His body was damn near perfect.

"Don't be shy, everyone," Karen teases, chuckling softly after hearing a few gasps from the rest of her female students. Our "subject" as we were now going to call him, sat down in the chair awaiting instructions. My eyes were locked on him the entire time. I gasped softly as he looked back at me, obviously catching my not so subtle stare, a smirk playing on the corners of his lips.

He definitely could tell I liked what I saw.

Not wanting to be rude, I smiled back before tucking my bottom lip between my teeth. His smirk grew into a full smile as Karen told everyone to take out their sketchbooks and pencils if they haven't already.

"I can't believe you talked me into this," I muttered softly to Renee, my eyes still on the gorgeous man in front of me. Renee chuckled softly.

"Oh, stop complaining and be glad this man's willing to get undressed for you...and everyone else in here."

"He looks so familiar though. Like I've s—."

"Before you all ask. Yes, it's who you think it is," Karen unknowingly interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. Several students gasped quietly, finally recognizing our guest. Prince Rogers Nelson.

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