Twenty One In Which She Is Sure Of Only A Few Things

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(Breakeven by The Script is a good song to play for this chapter. Especially when I start writing more of Leon's thoughts. Like the first divider. But just a suggestion, it just helps set the scene. And I think it's a good indication of the way Leon feels. Enjoy! xx)


She doesn't know.

Did she like him?

She doesn't know.

What she did know is that she didn't deserve his forgiveness. At least, not at this moment. Especially when it seemed like steam would be emitting from his ears any moment.

Did she expect his hostility?

Hell yes.

Did she expect the same hostility from his boyfriend otherwise known as Diego?

Not at all.

She knew they were close but she had hoped that Diego wouldn't give her the cold shoulder as well when his relationship had ended with his boyfriend because of the same reason.

Francesca had given up on trying to get Leon and Diego to talk to her two days ago, four days after their 'breakup'. Could she even call it a breakup? They were still technically together. It felt weird knowing that she was one of four in the entire world that knew that they were really over.

Francesca felt bad about it don't get her wrong, but when did it become so forbidden to follow your heart and go after love? She had always been taught that love was special, and that it should be cherished and that if you believed in it you should never let it get away from you. And wasn't that exactly what she was doing by secretly going out with Caio?

Wasn't Leon actually the wrong person by trying to deny her love? Or at least the closest thing she had come to love.

Last night she went out with Caio, their first official yet unofficial date. They had had a picnic at the set, Caio had talked the guards into letting him have one part of the beach so that he could 'rehearse'. Yeah rehearse some kissing scenes.

The physical side of their date aside, she really did have a good time. Caio had a sense of humour and never failed to make her laugh, he was also an amazing chef and to top it off he could dance. It was one of the reasons why he was the immediate choice  for the part, since his character was quite the dancer.

And for the first time in three days she didn't think of Leon at all, and that was probably the best part.

It was nice to get out with somebody who knew the truth that wasn't Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for once. She was shocked that he didn't even have a problem with the fact that she may be forced to kiss Leon here and there, and that he was actually the other guy.

But today, Francesca decided, she would try again with Leon. Maybe she didn't have feelings for him the way she thought she did, but she wanted to be friends.

Even Francesca herself was getting a headache with the all-over-the-place decisions she had recently been making. At one point she was convinced that she had platonic feelings for Caio and romantic feelings for Leon, but four days ago as her lips touched Caio's she found her feelings switched.

Maybe if she stayed with Leon longer then her feelings for him would be stronger, the way they were for Caio?

But maybe they wouldn't be.

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