Ch. 14

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"Don't get to close! You'll be ripped to shreds!" Sherry stated the obvious. I blankly looked at the blonde. 'Is she joking?' I thought, back flipping a few times when the thing tried to swing its arm at me to put some space between us.

"Yeah, thanks! We know what chainsaws can do!" Jake announced. When the hell did he get on top of a scaffolding six feet off the ground?!

"Becka, behind you!!" Sherry warned. I turned around just in time to dodge a J'avo that had come out of nowhere. I stood up, raising my gun to point at its head when my pistol was knocked from my hand. I looked the opposite direction my gun went, now noticing how I was out numbered one to two.

The second J'avo had had its arm mutated. It thrusted its disgusting limb in my direction. I cartwheeled to the right, catching the chainsaw B.O.W.'s attention. "Shit." I spun around just in time to grab the J'avo's second attack and pull him forward, me stepping behind him as the B.O.W. threw out its arm, cutting straight through the J'avo like butter.

I jumped and kicked the B.O.W. in the side, propelling me backward and towards my gun. The B.O.W. went after the last J'avo, causing a smirk to spread across my features. "Ha, guess it's a mindless beast after all." I said then the B.O.W. turned on me, stagger in my direction with a intent to kill.

"Becka!" Jake called. I looked as he tossed something in my direction. I caught it in my hands, examining it. C-4. I smirked, tossing it at the B.O.W.'s feet and running to get behind something. Once I was out of the way, Jake pressed the button and a pained screech left the creature's mouth. I stood up from behind a half wall and came out. "Did that do it?" Jake asked. I pushed the B.O.W. with my foot, its lifeless body not moving.

"I think it's down." Sherry answered as the sign the B.O.W. had hit on its way down creaked before falling off its support and crashed to the ground, pushing a bus that was blocking our way, out of the way, revealing a door.

"Let's go." I Instructed, leading the way. After what we just encountered I am so ready to get out of this freaking country.

I jogged through a back alley when the hairs on the back of my neck raised. A loud whizzing of air come from a above and behind us. We watched as a plane, obviously, quickly loosing altitude came flying over us before crashing down not far off. "It's American!" Sherry cried out.


The plane had somehow survived yet was on fire as the three of us searched the wreck for survivors. The heat from the flame radiated off of the vessel, hitting my face harshly. I put up my hand to shield it from the heat. "Leon?!" Sherry called out then ran off towards a pair of survivors. I sighed annoyed, throwing my hands up in the process. I then glanced back at Jake.

"Control your girlfriend." I grumbled then took off after the blonde.

"Wha-she's not-! Ugh, why do I try? Why'd I have to be stuck with two females?!" he began to complain to himself as I reached the blonde. Sherry stood in front of two people, a man with a strange light brown haircut, wearing a purple shirt, a vest and his pistol strapped to his leg; as for the woman she had a cream tank top, a vest and her pistol was also strapped to her leg.

"I'm on protective detail." Sherry explained, gesturing to my brother, answering whatever the man had asked. By the looks of things, this guy must've been really hot in his prime, maybe still is to certain people, but not me. Jake caught up and stood a little protectively close to me. I rolled my eyes at my older brother.

"Yeah...I heard you became an agent." Leon said in a somewhat hushed tone as if hr didn't fully aprove of the idea.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm tracking the man behind all of this. Chief Security Adviser Simmons." My eyes slightly widened in realization. Isn't that Sherry's--

"What? There must be some mistake...I report to Simmons." Sherry explained, slightly confused herself.

"He's your supervisor?"

"We're on our way to meet with him right now."

"Where is he?" Leon demanded lowly, taling a step closer to us. "I need to know-" the male was cut off by Jake who pushed him back with one hand. My hand had instictively went towards my holster, my eyes narrowing at the male.


"Jake!" Sherry cut in in an attempt to settle the brewing fight. "Let me handle this." the blonde pleaded with a stern yet slightly uncertain look. Jake pulled her back a few feet and I stayed put. Even with the distance between us I still picked up on the words being said.

"I thought your orders were to avoid contact...with anyone."

"Leon's not just anyone. He saved my life back in Raccoon City." Sherry lowly growls towards Jake, causing me to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Fair enough."

"Look out!" Leon's partner shouts. My muscles go ridged as my eyes scan my surroudings. I turned around just in time to catch a quick glimpse of some large object being hurled in our direction.

My body freezes for all I can do is watch, then I'm suddenly tackled to the ground. The object flies overhead, a sound of air splitting fills my ears.

The cold ground beneath me as well as hot breath fanning across my face, snaps me back to my senses. I open my eyes and find Leon hovering over me, one hand on my side while the other was placed aside my head.

My face heats up frim our embarrassing position. "Thanks." I say awkwardly, turning my head away.

"No problem." Leon says, slightly out of breath from saving me from getting hit. My eyes land on something moving on the plane.

"The hell is that?" I muttered bellwilderedly to myself.

"Leon! The plane!" his partner shouts out urgently. The male's head snaps towards a loud noise before he scrambles off of me, yanking me to my feet in the process. Shaking off our previous awkward moment and unholstering my pistol.

"What the hell is that?" I question, hoping someone would answer me.

"Him again?" Jake groans, annoyed at the monster standing menacingly atop of the crashed plane.

"Friend of yours?" Leon asks, matching Jake's tone.

"More like an ex-girlfriend, guy doesn't know when to quit."

"Welcome to the club." Jake smirks before focusing on the beast.

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