Ch. 18

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"Almost there." Piers huffs out. Guilt settles within me as I see that the weight of me on his back is beginning to take a toll on him. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a green blur run by. "Chris!" Piers shouts and the figure halts, turning to us.

"Good you both are alright, now we can meet up with your brother and get the hell out of here." Chris said, helping Piers carry me as I now had an arm around each soldier's shoulders. Man I am short, they're quite literally carrying me. 

We made it to a room with what seemed like a tower was placed in the middle of it but truthfully it only went up to the next floor with walkways to either side of the room. "Let's put you down." Chris said, setting me against a railing. I took ahold of it, happy that I can now at least stand. 

Chris went over to the huge hatch to inspect it. "Here." Piers handed me my pistols and knife. I smiled gratefully up at him. "Be careful. I have a bad feeling about this place." he then kisses the top of my head for a long moment. 

"You too." I say as he pulls away. A smirk appears on his lips before he goes to join his captain. I sit patiently for them to find a way out of here when I hear a loud shifting noise upon them pulling down on two levers.

"Engaging airlock. Connection to research block initiated. Please wait until the connection is complete." a female's voice announces through the intercoms located somewhere within the room and I instantly have a bad feeling about what to expect.

Sure enough from my peripheral vision I see movement and as a reflex, aim my guns in the direction. Green and red eyed soldiers start coming from the door we previously came from as well as unhatched J'avo. 'Not good.' 


"I'm good!! Watch yourselves!!" I demand as I start laying fire on the incoming enemy. I grow happy as I'm able to drop them before they even come within fifteen feet of me. Chris and Piers start to aid me, taking most of the attention off of me. 

"Hello stranger." a new voice comes alive over the speakers, one that sends chills down my spine along with rushing anger through my body. 

"...Ada!?" Piers calls out, shooting down a few soldiers.

"Yup. It's me. Or should I say...was me. Consider this my little parting gift to you. If you've made  it this far, I'm assuming you are BSAA. Not that it matters. You still won't stop my plan. No one can. One missile and this world will be transformed...into a new "Eden." For my last...and greatest creation." Ada continued on as I reloaded quickly. 

A J'avo jumped at me and I rolled out of the way sluggishly. 'Damn, that was close.' I thought, pulling myself to my feet in order to shoot it in the head. 'When will that door get open?' 

"He will thrive in the ashes of the burning cities...conquering all that remains after the fall. He will rein as king of the new era!" 

"Something tells my this new creation isn't a pillow pet." I hear Piers's voice and a scoff emits from the back of my throat by accident.

"Connection complete. Pressurizing area now. Please wait until pressurized levels have normalized." the automated voice came again. I dodged a knife to the stomach narrowly only to run into something from behind. 

Before I could turn around, arms wrapped tightly around me from behind and I wriggled to get free but it was an iron grip. One off those exploding J'avo started towards me and fear blossomed in my chest. I threw my weight around in a desperate attempt to get free and was able to free my left arm. 

I leaned backward forcefully, grabbing the back of the soldier's head that had his arms on me before swinging my feet up then back down. He let go of his grip as he flew over head towards the mutated J'avo and the two exploded ten feet away. A small laugh came from me and I continued on killing enemies like nothing happened.

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