Chapter 10

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*cinders POV*

"Selene wake up!" I feel a hand shaking me.

I mumble "just a few more minutes." As I turn on my side, the one without the cyborg leg of course.

The voice laughs. "No. You need to get ready. We're leaving in an hour." I finally wake up to see Dr.Erland standing over me.

   "Oh fine. I'll get up. But I can't promise I won't sleep the whole way there." I get off the bed.

   "That's fine. Now go get packed. You'll need all your stuff, or as much as you can grab."

   "Oh don't worry I don't have that many things."

   "Well go start gathering them."

   "Okay." I say plainly. As I walk out the door I hear "don't let the princess see you...she will try to kill you again if she sees you."

   "Okay I won't.." I walk to my room sadly remembering I was about to leave my entire life behind. I won't ever see kai again. I try to shake off the thought as I walk but suddenly I stop.

   "No! I told you I hate mirrors and I will not tolerate any being in my room!"

Oh no. I know that voice. I peek around the corner only to see auburn curls bouncing as the voice is yelling. What am I going to do. She's standing right by my room and I need to get there fast. I try to slide by her but she looks me directly into my eyes.


I instantly start wishing I was someone else. A blonde. Blue eyes. Beautifully curled hair and neat clothes.

   "You!-.....oh...I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." She said as if I wasn't there. What is she talking about. And why isn't she trying to kill me. I just freeze.

   "You may proceed." She says.

I walk into my room confused as ever and grab my mirror my mom left for me. I look into it seeing my face. Not the blonde hair blue eyed girl I wished I was.

   "What on Luna just happened." I whisper to myself as I get my things ready to go.

There you go another chapter! It's getting good soon don't worry😁 comment what you think please I love feedback!

Another chapter will come soon lovelies!

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