Chapter 20

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*cinders pov*

I ran downstairs trying to get away from the world. Michelle just passed away. Poor scarlet is devastated, and nobody really know how to help her. Well nobody but wolf. I'm pretty positive they're in love.

I trip over my my feet as I run. Stupid cyborg parts.

I finally get to the hidden hangar that Michelle gave me, a place all to myself. I kept all my favorite things there. All my tools mainly. After the doctor brought me here I didn't have anything to do so fixing things was what I learned to love. Now it's the way I distract myself.

I started fixing throne's broken port when the net screen above me turned on suddenly.

"Royal New Beijing wedding announcement!" Rolled across the bottom of the screen.

Wedding? Wait, Beijing? My brain slowly pieced all the pieces together like a puzzle.

Kai is getting married.

I stood staring at the net screen in shock. Who is he marrying? She better not hurt him. He deserves a good girl.

As I watch the news scroll across the screen I start to remember everything kai and I used to do. Back when I was ten. Six long years and he's finally getting married.

I go back to fixing Thorne's port. I try to shake my thoughts I miss Beijing. I miss being in the palace. I kept thinking about all the things I miss, and everyone I miss. everyone I really mean kai.


Oh stars I can't stop thinking about him. I have to admit. He did grow to be very handsome. Copper brown eyes, perfectly messed up hair, and of course his show stopping smile. He won't leave my thoughts.

"The emperor has announced the wedding will be as soon as possible. The royal couple is very eager to be married!" The news reporter chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Very eager. Blah blah blah." I mimicked the reporter, As I was pacing around the hangar. I suddenly stoped in my tracks finally realizing the emotions I've been hiding all my life.

I like Kai. No, I love Kai.

No no no. This can't be happening. He's engaged. Oh yeah, and he thinks I'm dead. Of course if that prissy princess sees me I will be dead. But this is Kai. He's worth every second of my life.

Suddenly I come up with one of the stupidest plans ever. I blame cress for making me watch all those romance movies. I run back to my room thinking about what a big mistake I was making but every time I try to talk myself out of it, Kai enters my thoughts and I can't help but get excited to see him.

I'm too busy packing to notice the footsteps coming up behind me.

"What in the name of Luna are you doing?" I hear a voice say.

I whip around to see Thorne staring at me, obviously confused.

"Oh. Um....Thorne....I...uh..." I stuttered not knowing what to say. He looks at me like he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"Don't try to make up an excuse." Ugh he got me.

"Fine. This is going to sound very stupid but-" I look him in the eyes, as serious as I can be."-I'm going back to New Beijing to tell Kai I love him."

Here's my last chapter for the day. I hope that somewhat made up for how long I've been gone. I'll try to post more often. Thanks everyone for reading!
Let me know what you think in the comments!

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