Chapter 23

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*cinders pov*

After walking to a maglev station in New Beijing and getting my ticket, I decided to re-watch the big announcement. I couldn't help but notice how unhappy kai looked. All I wanted was to be with him so I could cheer him up. I even stopped at a market in Paris and picked up his favorite chocolate. Let's hope it's not melted. He's not really supposed to have it. His adviser, torin, says it's too 'cheap'. But kai loves it so I don't care.

As I stepped onto the maglev I saw a little family. Two girls and someone I'm guessing is their mother. One of the girls was standing.

"Pearl! There's no room!"

"Then go sit somewhere else! I'm not moving!"

"Girls! Quit yelling! Peony, go sit over there."

The girl sighed. "Yes mother." And with that the girl sat down.

I walked over to her after I realized that was the only open seat.

"Is this seat open?" I asked, trying to sound as nice as possible.

She looked up at me, a smile growing on her face. "Of course it is!" She said, a little too happily.

I sat down, making sure not to get too close.

"Sorry if I scare you. I just thought I'd get stuck next to a smelly old man."

She slid a hand in her pocket and pulled out a deck of cards. I glanced down at the cards, and let out a chuckle. The girl flipped through her cards, obviously swooning.

"What are those?" I asked although I already knew the answer.

"My emperor Kaito trading cards! Duh. Look at him! Isn't he perfect?" She let out a dreamy sigh.

I took one of the cards and examined it. "Eh. His arms are a little too long for his body." I couldn't keep a smile off my face, thinking of our little inside joke between kai and I.

"Are you kidding? He's perfect! And so are his arms!"

I handed back the card and mumbled an 'uh huh'

"So what's your name?" The girl said after a while. "Mines peony."

"Cinder." I said while staring out the window.

"Well cinder, I like you."

She's like the sister I never had.

"You know what, I like you too peony."

Another update! I decided I wanted to post this too cause why not. Let me know what y'all think!

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