Chapter 21

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*cinders pov*

All I heard was a burst of laughter. I instantly glare at Thorne. "What's so funny?" I ask, annoyance in my voice.

"You? Going to confess your love? To the engaged emperor? Yeah right!" He said in between laughs.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?" I say, clearly annoyed at his laughter.

He suddenly turns to me, looking into my eyes seriously. "Wait. You're not kidding?"

"No of course not." I spat back.

"'re really in love with emperor kaito?"

"Yes. I didn't realize until now and I have to tell him before he gets married. Maybe some miracle will happen and he'll love me back."

"That only happens in movies cinder."

"I know. But I have to tell him." I said, packing hectically.

"Cinder-" he grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him. "-you can't go back." He looked at me, concern filling his features. "You know what the doctor said. The princess will kill you."

"Yeah. I know. But it's worth it. I love him Thorne, I love him so much."

"But cinder-"

I walked closer to him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Thorne, I'll be fine."

He stared at me in disbelief.

"Okay maybe I won't be but it'll be worth it. I'll finally will be with my best friend again." Thorne looked hurt.

"I thought I was your best friend."

"You are. But I've known kai forever."

"Oh fine-" he said after a long minute of silence. "-but you have to comm me ever day. Got it?"

I laughed. "Alright alright I will." I let go of him, turning back to my suitcase.

After I got everything packed up, I took a look at my room. I'm going to miss this place. I sighed sadly but instantly got a little happier thinking of being home. With kai. All this will be worth it soon.

I turned to Thorne to give him one last hug.

"I'll miss you wire head." He said playfully.

"I'll miss you too cadet." I smiled up at him, victory on my lips.

He shoved me playfully. "Oh shut up. Go say bye to Iko. She'll miss you a bunch."

"Okay okay. Bye." I walked out the door,saying goodbye to everyone on the way out.

Iko obviously cared the most, but she knew it would be good for me to go.

I finished saying bye to everyone and walked out the door, looking back on the house that kept me safe for years.

I turned away letting the thoughts of the future take away all my worries.

Let's do this. I thought to myself. I'm ready to face the world. And find kai.

Hello everybody! How are you all? Look at me updating and not waiting a month! Yay! Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think in the comments. Have a great day!

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