Chapter 27

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*cinder's POV*

  I️ ran as fast as my legs could take me. I️ knew I️ wanted to stay but I️ also knew they couldn't happen.

  But stars did seeing Kai again make me miss him.

  I️ hated leaving the only true home I've ever known but If I️ didn't, id die. As I ran all I️ could comprehend is the fact that I've grown up. I️ can't just talk to Kai again like we're kids. I️ don't work for him. We're not as close as we used to be. And that killed me.

I️ tried to shake those thoughts as I️ ran into a small cafe. Risky I️ know, but it's small. It shouldn't have too many people ready to tell me off.

I️ walked in, clearly not ready for what was in store.

  "Well well we'll, if it isn't the old little maid." I️ knew exactly who it was. I️ looked up to see the evil demon herself. Levana. Sporting a giant ring. It didn't take long for my brain to start telling me all the facts it possibly can about the ring.

  I️ found out Levana definitely got the ring for herself. The stone is clearly from Luna. Who was she fooling here? Well....I️ guess everyone without a computer in their head. Which is sadly most of the population....never mind that.

  "What do you think you're doing in my cafe maid?" She said with a cold harsh tone.

  "I'm only here to get water. That's a reasonable request isn't it?" I️ said back with all the sass I️ could muster up. I️ was terrified. But if I've learned anything from my friends it's to hide the fear and scare the enemy. Lucky for me, I've had tons of practice on Thorne.

  She glared at me with venom in her eyes. "Fine. Get your water peasant."

  She had crossed a line. I️ may not be rich, but I️ know my mother put in all the work she could to make sure I'm not some peasant.

  "Excuse me?" I️ said, walking over to Levana more furious than ever.

  "You heard me, you're a peasant. And nothing more. A dirty peasant." She spat.

  I️ looked at her in disbelief. "You know, I️ almost felt bad for stealing your fiancé. Now though, not so much." And with that, I️ punched her. Straight in the nose.

  Well great, that's going to be all over the news tomorrow isn't it. Great job Cinder.

Hello lovelies! I'm so so so sorry about not posting. Life has been a little crazy. But I'm hoping I'll be back for a while! I️ hope you all enjoyed this comeback chapter and I️ hope it had enough drama in it. Also, I'm sorry it's so bad. I'll have to get back into the swing of writing again. Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting!

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