A Case Of Insanity [Book 2]

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AN: I am soo excited for this book I can't even contain myself! Thank you for making A Case Of The Crazies such a success, all of the votes and reads mean so much to me! Thank you for encouraging me to continue on. Obviously if you are reading this now you know that I'm not posting the first chapter on April eighth. Somehow I have managed to get everything done and have already written the first chapter of this book! I am seriously soooo excited for this book, I have many many plot twists planned and maybe even a few heartbreaks.I am telling you now that this story is based off of season three but it's not going to follow the plot exactly, I have already brought Sherlock back from the dead and already introduced Mary. So please do not be mad at me for doing so. I am hoping this book is as good as the first is, and that you guys love it! Also I will be adding suggested songs to listen to while you read the chapter! Also if you haven't noticed already I finally found a actress that I think looks like Gwen, Brittany Snow is that actress (more with her red hair then blonde but that may change ). I do not own BBC, Sherlock, or the Sherlock season 3 plot. I do own Gwen, And my other characters I have made up..

Thank you for all the support and lovely comments <3- yours truly Nicole :)

P.S the chapter should be up tomorrow! Or latest Saturday. Hope you guys like the surprise of my early posting!!!

A Case Of Insanity [Book 2] ( sequel to ACOTC)Where stories live. Discover now