CHAPTER 8: The Surprises Never Stop

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Suggested songs: (Gwen) Careful-Paramore, (Sean) Volcanos- Damien Rice

"For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity."- Jean Dubuffet

CHAPTER 8: The Surprises Never Stop

(Gwen) // A week ago//

I had a restless night that night we stayed in the hotel, after my conversation with Sherlock I managed to sleep a few hours before waking up and swearing I heard a noise. I pulled out my gun and slowly sat up and glanced around in the dark. My heart pounded in my chest as I stood up, I could feel a presence in the room and I knew it wasn't Sean. I walked over to his bed and tried to quietly shake him awake, he groaned loudly and rolled over. Well, he's a great help tonight, what a great great partner. I thought sarcastically to myself as I double checked the room to make sure no one was here. Sighing in relief I went out onto the balcony attempting to clear my mind. I glanced over the edge and looked at the busy streets of Cario. There was a noise behind me, I froze my fear getting the best of me.

"You're the girl that's caused my partner so much trouble" a voice said behind me. I recognized the voice from earlier that day, he was the one who said I was pretty.

"You have three seconds to leave before I shoot you" I said gripping my gun tighter my fighting instinct taking over my flight instict. He chuckled as he moved keeping to the shadows, making sure I couldn't see his face. His hand brushed against the end of my gun ad slowly tilted it at the ground.

"I only wanted to talk, I personally have no reason to harm you. My friends on the other hand, they want you suffering" he said.

"What is there to talk about?" I spat.

" My dearest Gwen, there are many things to talk about. Your immediate danger, Your partner's history, the list goes on and on ." The man said with a laugh

"What's your name?" I demanded

"Call me C.J.M or C.J for short. You give me what I want and I will keep your family safe"

"So what exactly do you want?

"I'll keep in contact with you. But I'm warning you, Sebastian and his men will be waiting for you when you leave today. I suggest using the back exit or the roof, seeing how you will be taking a helicopter back home." He said.

"You didn't answer me"

"About what darling? What I want? Oh! I want your husband to stop his sleuthing for a week, My clients owe some vendettas to the city of London" His smoothe accented voice said

"How do you know all this? And how do I know that I can trust you?"

"Enough with the questions! You don't. I have my way Gwen, I know things no one knows " he said. "Don't talk of this to anyone, keep our meeting secret" he said as he pushed a piece of my hair back. With that the man was gone, and I had no clue who he was. I glanced down at the ground from the balcony, I was tired of being haunted , tired of freaking out about everything and last of all tired of all the danger. I put my arms on the railing then rested my head on then and closed my eyes. I was just tired. I would give almost anything to go back to being the surfer chick from Huntington beach, I was tired of being the adgent who has almost died one too many times. I sighed and squinted at the sun rising on the horizion, Today, I would fly home and be home with my boys, and right now that was the thing I wanted most.


The sunlight hit my face as I slowly awoke, I blinked glancing at the other bed to my horror it was empty, did Gwen get captured? Did Moran have his hands on her? I jumped out of bed and scrambled to the bathroom,

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