CHAPTER 15: Sherlock Holmes the Drug Addict

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Chapter 15: Sherlock Homes the drug addict 

"I've had my moments of insanity. But there is a certain responsibility to set proper examples for your children, and that influences your choices in every aspect of your life." -Andy Garcia

I woke up the morning after the vigerous training Mycroft had put me through the day before with Jensen. My entire body ached and I felt like death. I looked over to the empty side of the bed and my heart and body longed for my husband to be back. He had told me that he was going undercover for a case and He didnt know how long it would take,  I personally was worried about him. I hadn't heard from him since that day and I was beginning to think the worst. The Woman had some very interesting information to tell us all which reappeared in my mind almost daily. Jensen and I had made up and we were starting anew, I had missed him and was exceedingly grateful he was back . Anyway my health recently has been getting better, I am not so skinny and more lean now and I have sorta relaxed a bit. I was about to start my normal routine when I recieved a phone call from someone. I ran and grabbed my phone before checking on my boys.

"Hello?" I said a bit breathlessly.

"Sup Blondie?" Jensen's voice said over the phone.

"You almost gave me a heart attack you know! nothing really, I just woke up and I'm about to feed the Boys. Is something up?" I asked softly.

"Nah everything is good. Well mostly good"he mumbled on the phone.

"What's not so good?"

"Eh, I just feel like I got hit by a train thats all" 

"Oh! you to? My body is killing me"

"Yeah its killing me too"Jensen said with a chuckle.

"Shut up you! I thought you were done flirting with a married woman"

"I kid, I kid geeze. How's Sherlock?" 

"I dont know, He hasn't been home because of a case"

"He left you all alone? That's just rude. Espically since you're having all those anxiety issues"

"I know, I promise you I'll get that checked out soon enough"

"Gwen there could be something seriously wrong"

"I'll get to it eventully" I sighed as I picked up Seren and Sky. "One sec  I am getting a call from Mary" I said switching over.

"Hey Gwen, I just wanted to let you know that we are over at Barts with Sherlock and John." Mary said. I could hear John, Sherlock and Molly talking in the background.

"Whats going on?" I said as panic surged through my system.

"Sherlock Is fine, though John suspects that he may have been on Drugs again." My heart dropped when she mentioned drugs. After I had come back from being with the Blood Brothers, I found out Sherlock had turned to taking drugs, I made him promise me that night that he would never do them again. It made me sick to think that he was doing that this enitre month he was gone.

"I'll be there in three minutes" I said  hanging up before I walked down the stairs and went to the car. I first strapped both Boys into their car seats then I switched back over to Jensen. "I will have to call you later, theres been a situation i need to address" 

'Oh that doesnt sound good but okay I will let you be"Jensen said hanging up. I Drove to the hospital, rage fuming underneath my skin. Once I arrived there I headed to where I assumed they were, Seren and Sky looked around as I walked quickly to reach my destination fast.

A Case Of Insanity [Book 2] ( sequel to ACOTC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن