Chapter 21: Awkward Holidays

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Chapter 21: Awkward Holidays

"Genius is one of the many forms of insanity."-Cesare Lombroso

It was Christmas in London, the grey skies and snow fall made it feel all the merrier. My family was heading over to Sherlock's parent's house for Christmas Day dinner; the one thing I did miss the most was my family. Sherlock and I were fine now, we had gotten back together and in all honesty I was never happier. Seren and Sean turned one on December twelfth and I couldn't believe that it had been a year already, they looked more and more like their father every day. I smiled slightly as we drove towards the in laws house. Sherlock glanced over at me, his eyes narrowed a bit, and I could tell that he was deciphering something.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"You seem to be glowing, and you look like you are actually happy for once" he said softly.

"I am happy for once" I said softly.

"Have you settled things with Mary?" Sherlock asked. Just at the sound of her name I cringed.

"No" I responded curtly. Seren and Sky could sense my uneasiness and started speaking baby jibberish to me. I smiled slightly at them.

"They look just like you, you know?" I said softly. he smiled at me.

"Mmm then maybe we should have a little girl to look like you" he said softly. I felt my face redden and warm almost immediately. I had always wanted another child, especially if it was a girl.

"I would love that" I said as he softly grabbed my hand. He smiled up at me as we pulled into the driveway. Sherlock leaned in and placed a soft gentle kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but to smile, this man has always made me so happy. I ran a hand through his black curls before getting out of the car and getting the kids out. Sherlock grabbed the gifts and the food I had made, and we walked to the door. I was about to knock on the door when Violet opened up.

"Gwen! Sherlock!" She exclaimed with a big grin. "Oh! look at the boys they have gotten so big" she said kissing each of their cheeks and then kissing mine and Sherlock's. Christmas music was playing in the background and the whole house smelled like pine needles and Cinnamon. We went inside and was almost instantly warmed by the fire in the hearth. We sat in the kitchen as Violet prepared food, Seren and Sky played with me on the living room floor . hark the Herald Angels sing played over the radio, sherlock's father came in with two chunks of wood to add to the fire.

" Oh, dear God, it's only two o'clock. It's been Christmas Day for at least a week now." Mycroft said in a pained tone of voice. I could tell he didn't like this get the whole family together thing. He was seated in the middle of a large table, rubbing his hands over his face in what I assumed was stress or annoyance . Sherlock was seated in a chair not far away. The whole house was decorated with a very Christmas theme " How can it only be two o'clock? I'm in agony." Mycroft moaned. Sherlock was reading the title page of The Gaurdian which had the headline of "Lord Smallwood suicide"

"Mikey, is this your laptop?" Mrs.Holmes spoke up as she glanced down at her chopping board which rested upon a laptop

"On which depends the security of the free world, yes ..." He said smiling sarcastically at her "and you've got potatoes on it." Sherlock glanced towards the two, Sky crawled over and demanded to be held. Sherlock picked him up and held him in his lap.

" Well, you shouldn't leave it lying around if it's so important." She scolded, reaching to pickup a basket of crackers.

She set it back down as Mycroft started to talk

"Why are we doing this? We never do this." He said gesturing to the kitchen

"We are here because Sherlock is home from hospital and we are all very happy. Plus I miss my family"

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