CHAPTER 17: Tomorrow Will Be Kinder.

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Chapter 17:   Terrible things and the Kindness of  Tomorrow

It had been a few weeks since, I had declared Sherlock and I's relationship over. I almost always  sat in silence, rarely speaking but a few words to my friends and family. I had become distant from everyone. I guess I was depressed, I meant other than that I would have no idea what exactly was wrong with me, but I knew something was terribly wrong with me. I had dropped 20 pounds and currently looked  stick model thin.  I just felt empty, it was like there was a hole in my heart. The only thing that mattered to me was my sons, they were all I had left. Mary and John were graceous enough to allow me to stay at their house with my kids,  I could tell they were both very worried for me. Mary tried to get me to eat  but I just didn't really want to, I often would just nibble on a cracker for the day or a small slice of cheese. Thats when I knew I was unhealthy, I subconciously thought I had developed a eating disorder and I knew that I was right.

"Gwen" Mary said softly. I glanced up at her keeping my face blank, her eyes glanced at me with worry. "Come on, lets go do something fun. Maybe getting you out of the house would help" She said with a warm smile.

"I just don't feel up to it " I mumbled glancing down at the floor.

"Come on, I insist" Mary said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the guest room. She picked out a sparkly short black dress and some other items for me to wear. I sat there wallowing in my self pity and sadness as she pulled together an outfit.  Everything just seemed soo dull to me, I just couldn't imagine any bright side coming out of this. After a hour, Mary had me looking like I belonged on some top model show, but I still didn't feel right.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly.

"Out to have a little fun, you need it girl" She said with a smile as she shoved me into her car. I sighed slightly and glanced out the window, all I really wanted to do was to wallow in my self pity and sadness. "Gwen, you can live without him you know" She said softly.

'I know, I just don't want to talk about it" I muttered as we continued to drive into the night, after a half an hour we pulled up to this brightly lit building. "Seriously, a club? You're pregnant you cant drink" I said with a half hearted laugh.

"Still doesn't mean I can't have fun" She grinned as she parked her car,  I reluctantly got out of the car and followed her in. A club was the last place I wanted to be right now, I would have preferred to just stay at home and maybe sleep a bit. As we walked into the club, I bumped into a familiar dark blonde man.

"Jensen???" I asked shocked, He turned around with a look of pure suprise on his face.

"W-what are you doing here? Nice dress!" He said with a smirk. 

"I'm being held her against my will" I dryly  joked.

"Oh! Really? Why aren't you with Sherlock?" He asked with a confused look. I opened my mouth to repsond but nothing came out and sure enough I felt the hot tears pooling in my eyes. "Woah! Don't cry It's going to be okay. Whats going on?" He asked as he started panicking. We went and sat down in a booth, his eyes looked at me with a concerned expression.

"We.. I... well, l-lets just say we aren't together anymore" I mumbled with a sniffle.

"No! You guys split up? "

"Yeah... I found him kissing one of the brides maids from John's wedding... I just don't know if I can ever go back to him"

"You have to! Do you realize  how perfect you are for each other?"

"I just can't, my heart shattered into a million pieces  that night . Everything has been going down hill since then. Jen, I think I have some really bad things going on" I mumbled.

" I know broken hearts take a while to mend, but  both of you are suffering because of this. Can't you make up or something? I know it will be hard trusting him again but I know you can do it" He said grabbing my hand.

" I am scared. It feels like everythinig is falling apart " I said as I shook my head and started to cry, I just couldn't see how this could ever get any better. Jensen comforted me and gave me more  words of encouragement, after a few drinks I was feeling happier, that or I was drunk already.  Jensen and I shared a few laughs and funny stories and I was almost instantly feeling better.  I think Mary had left for some reason  but that was alright because Jensen gave me a ride to John's house.

"You sure you will be okay by yourself?" Jensen asked. I nodded then sighed.

"I'll muddle through like I normally do" I said with a sad smile before walking inside. After shutting the door I felt that hole in my heart again, I sighed and walked to the showers. Taking off the heels and the form fitting dress, I noticed how thin i was,  my ribs were clearly visible and my hip bones were starting to stick out. I looked pale and unhealthy, I guess this whole thing has taken a toll on my emotionall and physical health. After showering I changed into sweats and a loose t-shirt, I was a mess and I knew it. My phone started ringing, I picked it up and glanced at the caller I.D it was John.

"Hello?' I said softly.

"Oh good Gwen you picked up" John said in a panicked voice.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. I could tell something was terribly wrong by the sound of his voice, it made my stomach flip and coil up in knots.

"It's Sherlock, he's been shot and... and last I saw him he was unconscious..I dont know if he will make it Gwen" His voice trembled over the phone. My heart stopped for a few seconds as the world seemed to pause around me, my phone fumbled from my hands and fell to the floor.  My mouth became dry as a tear rolled down my cheek, I was stunned speechless.  "Gwen? Are you there? You okay?" John's voice said worriedly over the phone. I quickly picked up the phone from the floor.

'Where are they taking him?" I asked.

"Barts I believe" John said.

"I'll be there" I whispered hanging up and putting the phone in my pocket. I ran out the door and got into my car, before I shut the door I noticed another envolope like the one I had recieved a few months ago. Before I leaned over and  picked up the letter, I saw a hooded figure walking away in my side mirror,  my eyes widened before I leaned over and picked up the letter. After thourougly examining it, I tossed it into passenger seat and drove to the hospital. Once I arrived at the hospital I ran to the front desk.

"Where is Sherlock Holmes' room?'" I asked breathlessly.

"Are you family?" the lady sneered at me.

"I am his wife" I growled.

"He's in room 303, though I don't know if he will wake up any time soon"

"Thank you" I said dashing to the room. When I arrived I saw Sherlock laying on a hospital bed, he was asleep. His pale skin looked almost white causing him to look like a ghost. I pulled up a chair and caressed his face. "You better wake up" I said as the tears started to fall down my face,  I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as I continued to sob. "Sherlock Holmes don't you leave me" I whispered in a broken voice as I rested my head against his arm.

An: Yaay I finally finished this chapter, Sorry it took so long for an update. I didn't realize how long it was before I finally put this up and I am so sorry.Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Just to let yall know i will be out of town most of July but I will try to update when I can!  Anyone who is interested in Supernatural, I might be uploading my new Spn fan fic very soon.  Thank you guys for all the votes, comments  and reads. They all mean the world to me - Nicole

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