CHAPTER 20: Oh, how I have missed you

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CHAPTER 20: Oh, how I have missed you

"Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight." -Marilyn French

After the entire event with Mary, I moved back into 221B.  Little  did I know but, this would be a step in me getting better. Sky and Seren stayed with their grandparents for a while untill everything was situated. I thought It would be better for the boys to stay with them, So they wouldn't be exposed to the constant  moving and sadness. I often sat on the chair and stared at the wall, lost in my thoughts most of the time. 

"Gwen" John said snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"What?" I asked softtly as i glanced over at John. 

"I really think we need to take you to a doctor" He said softly.

" I am fine." I said softly before looking back at the TV. I had become numb to everything now, I just wanted to shut the world out and face all these problems by myself.  

"Gwen, please. You just don't seem like you care anymore. You're just not yourself" John said softly.

"I could say the same about you, but I won't because it's not my place to do so." I replied. John's blue eyes gazed at me worriedly, his lips pressed in a thin line and I knew that I had made him upset.

"Can you not just think about yourself? Maybe these people will help you" John snapped at me.

"I am recieving death threats, i doubt medication will help with that. " I hissed standing up and walked briskly into my room. I glanced at myself in the mirror, I had bags under my eyes, my collar bones stuck out and I looked like death himself. Maybe John was right, I sighed and crumpled onto the floor as I started to cry. I coun't control the sadness and emotion that flowed out of me, I sobbed curled up on  the floor. I was helpless, what had caused me to deteriorate so quickly?

"Gwen. Can I come in?" The soft familiar baritone voice called from outside the door.  I was unable to answer, I just continued to cry like a baby. Sherlock came in and knelt by me, his bright  blue eyes (with greenish gold flecks) looked into mine. The corners of his cupid bow lips were turned down, he caressed my arm and pulled me into his arms. "Darling, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I-I don't know" I sobbed as I clutched onto him. He held me resting his chin on the top of my head. He sighed softly then lowered his head to look into my eyes.

"Gwen, I believe we need to get you some help"

"I-I'll be fine" I stammered as my lip wobbled.

"Gwen" He said as he cupped my face, his eyes looked  so worried for me, he looked so worried for me. I felt the tears falling down again, I didn't want to go to a doctor, but I knew I was going to have to. John and Sherlock took me to  a Doctor.  He asked me a series of questions and I answered them, he then saw how much I weighed and asked about my eating habbits. After a few minutes doctor Carroway came back with a clipboard and looked at me over his black rimmed  glasses.

"Mrs.Holmes,  it seemes like you have acute stress dissorder, on top of severe depression ,also you are developing Anorexia, Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder and  Paranoia. I can prescribe you medication that can help with most of that. As for your lack of eating, you are going to need to get back to eating three meals a day. I know it will be hard but you need to have someone who will keep you accountable and eating untill you are back to a healthy weight. " He said quietly. 

"I have someone who can do that for me." I said softly as I nodded.

"If things do get worse, please call us. We wouldn't want you harming yourself" he said softly. I nodded and grabbed the slip of paper he handed me. I walked out the door and saw both John and Sherlock waiting for me.  John glanced at me, then at the papers in my hand. I handed him the paper then sat in the back of my car. 

"Oh, man you really have alot going on. Listen Sherlock and I are here to help." He said softly. I remained silent and watched as the skys of London became cold and grey.  When we arrived home, I just sat down on the couch.

"Gwen are you hungry?" John asked. I shook my head, he glanced at me and forwned. I knew getting back into this wasn't going to be easy but I had to think of my family.

"You need to eat" Sherlock said in a cold tone. I got up and walked to the kitchen sitting myself down at the kitchen table. I nibbled at the food that John had made for us, I just felt empty and that empty feeling never left. Later on that evening I sat down on the bed, only to be joined by him. He sat next to me and looked at me, I glanced back at him.  I could feel the slight awkwardness between us, I gently caressed the side of his face. I had missed him so much, he leaned over and gently pressed his lips against mine. My heart studdered in my chest, It was as if I didn't  feel like there was so much of a hole . He pulled me against his body as he pulled away from my lips. He was warm, and the warmth of his body warmed me to the very core. 

"I have missed you" He whispered in a deep voice as he placed a kiss on my neck.

"I've missed you to." I said with a small smile as I ran a hand through his ink black jet curls. His cheeks heated up as he smiled at me. He pulled me into his arms, so that I rested against his chest.  I listened to the soothing beating of his heart, my heart hammered in my chest.  I kissed him again, our kiss was filled with desperation and passion. Boy I had missed him, and after this night I knew that our relationship was going to be able to be fixed. We were going to be alright after all.

AN; Well I hope you like it, I probably won't be posting another update till the 22nd at the earliest. Thank you all for the wonderful comments, reads and votes, they mean soo much to me. Also if you guys don't mind please go and check out chapters one and two of Divinity!!  XOXO-Nicole  (Sorry if there are mistakes)

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