CHAPTER 22: My Life Can Never Be Normal

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CHAPTER 22:  My Life Can Never Be Normal 

'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'


My eyes slowly opened and I found my self looking into someones bright blue eyes. The person appeared to be trying to communicate but my mind was slow and my hearing was disorted. My head pounded and I felt my body slowly react to what my mind was telling it. I had been drugged. I then came to the conclusion that someone drugged me to get me out of the way of something. 

"Gwen, Hey... come on!"Jensen said giving me a worried look.

"What happened" I slurred, as I attempted to stand to my feet.

'Woah, easy there blondie! You were drugged, so it might take alittle bit for you to get all oriented again." he said, supporting me as I stood to my feet.

"Who?" I asked leaning against my partner.

"My bloody idiot of a brother, I should have known he would do something like this. I strictly told him to stay away from Ma- Oh, I see. I guess that's our best option" Mycroft said walking in on his phone. A grim look appeared on his face as he let out a sigh. "Understood" He muttered angrily hanging up the phone.

"Gwen, Jensen come with me. We're going to go get the bloody moron who drugged us" Mycroft said. I felt the all to familiar betrayal in my heart, my eyes started to water but i refused to cry. Jensen turned towards me, his blue eyes full of sympathy.

" Gwen I-"

"Don't" I hissed cutting him off. " Don't apologize" I muttered.

"Gwen, I know you're hurting"

"I thought it was all going to get better Jensen" 

"Our ride is almost here, so I suggest you two come wait out here with me" Mycroft grumpily said when he stormed out the door. I let go of Jensen and walked over to my two darling boys. I kissed them each on the forehead and told them I loved them. Something told me that this was not going to go well. Jensen and I hopped on the helicopter, I sat down and put my face in my hands, expecting the absolute worst scenario possible.

(Sherlock P.O.V)

The helicopter took John and I over Appledore before landing us in the grass not far from Magnussens house.
A security man walked up to our helicopter while another stood on the outdoor patio. John and I got out of our ride and followed the guard. He lead us inside into an area which was lined with exotic plants. another man tailed us, we walked into a grand room where Magnussens sat upon a sofa a level above us. I stopped a few paces away from the man sitting on the couch, John stopped behind me. Magnussen glanced at his guards and nodded to them to leave. He lifted his glass slightly before acknowledging our presence. :

"I would offer you a drink but it's very rare and expensive." He spoke before drinking. I sat on the sofa a few feet to the right from Magnussen. I sighed softly before placing the laptop between the two of us

" Oh. It was you." I spoke calmly, observing the footage that was being projected on the wall, It was of the time when I had rescued John. 

"Yes, of course. He responded. John glanced over his shoulder then did a double take." Very hard to find a pressure point on you, Mr Holmes."

"Mm." I responded watching as John started to walk towards the wall. 

" The drugs thing I never believed for a moment."  Magnussen chuckled. John gaped at the footage with his mouth open " Anyway, you wouldn't care if it was exposed, would you?" I tilted my head and shrugged 
" But look how you care about John Watson. You're a damsel in distress."  John turned around,  he was livid.

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