CHAPTER 19: The Unveiling

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CHAPTER 19: The Unveling

Shatter me - Lindsy Sterling

"Psychopaths know the technical difference between right and wrong - which is one of the reasons their insanity pleas in criminal cases so rarely succeed; they just fail to act on that knowledge." - Jeffrey Kluger

After the phone call with John, Sherlock picked up the letter that was laying on the floor of my car. He quickly looked over it and then placed it in my cup holder.

"Another letter concealing a threat I assume" he said.

"Dunno, I didn't oopen it. It probably is." I said with no emotion, the thing was I didn't care anymore. As we arrived at the gardens, Sherlock insisted that I stay in case he needed backup, he knew that i would not hesitate to shoot if danger . He briefed me what was going to happen and I nodded, not asking any questions and just staying in the shadows. I could hear his voice as he spoke to Mary.

"Can't you see me?" He said. "You are looking for The lie - the lie of Leinster Gardens - hidden in plain sight." I slid down the side of the wall and sat down, i felt as if a panic attack was coming over me. I was anxious, and I swore that I saw people in the shadows. "Hardly anyone notices. People live here for years and never see it, but if you are what I think you are, it'll take you less than a minute." He continued as he spoke to Mary over the phone. " The houses, Mary. Look at the houses." " I knew you'd talk to the people no one else would bother with." Sherlock responded to Mary's voice. I sighed closing my eyes wanting nothing more but just to go home and hold my boys. Uncontrolled tears ran down my face and I had no idea why. Just to think of what all has happened within the past few months made my head hurt, I had been tormented, though it was not physical it still was causing pain. I had been betrayed over and over again and I had a feeling that It was going to happen one last time, and this time, I knew it would completely shatter me. " Only the very front section of the house remains. It's just a façade. Remind you of anyone, Mary? A façade. Sorry. I never could( resist a touch of drama." Sherlock's voice said. I saw another figure sit down in the wheel chair. What was Sherlock planning? "Do come in. It's a little cramped.......Mmm. I won it in a card game with the Clarence House Cannibal, Nearly cost me my kidneys, but fortunately I had a ... straight flush.: Quite a gambler, that woman." He said. Mary walked in the door, bright light lit up her face as she walked into the building. She was focused on the figure that looked like Sherlock

" What do you want, Sherlock?" Mary called. I watched her, Who was she really? Why was everyone lying to me recently? I could trust no one.

" Mary Morstan was stillborn in October 1972. Her gravestone is in Chiswick Cemetery where - five years ago - you acquired her name and date of birth and thereafter her identity." Sherlock said still being over the phone as she walked along the corridor " That's why you don't have 'friends' from before that date. It's an old enough technique, known to the kinds of people who can recognise a skip-code on sight ... have extraordinarily retentive memories." He said referring to the time where John was in trouble and Mary noticed the code in a text. Once he had said that, Mary stopped halfway along the corridor.

" You were very slow." She mumbled .

"How good a shot are you?" Sherlock asked. She reached inside of her coat and pulled out her pistol and held it by her side.

"How badly do you want to find out?" She said. I pulled out my own gun silently, keeping my aim on her. If she even flinched I was going to shoot .

" If I die here, my body will be found in a building with your face projected on the front of it. Even Scotland Yard could get somewhere with that." Sherlock said smugly . She nodded, still keeping her glance on the shadowed figure. "I want to know how good you are. Go on. Show me. The doctor's wife must be a little bit bored by now." Sherlock said softly encouraging her. Mary shifted the gun in her grip and went in her purse and pulled out a coin. Setting it on her thumb she looked up then flicked the coin high. Raising her gun high she fired a shot and she lowers her head to avoid the falling coin. She then looked at the shadowed figure. Sherlock walked out from his hiding spot

" May I see?" He asked. Mary glanced at the figure then turned to sherlock, her laugh was almost silent.

"It's a dummy.I suppose it was a fairly obvious trick." She said taking her ear piece out. She kicked the coin towards Sherlock, he glanced at her as she continued to walk slowly to him.

"And yet, over a distance of six feet, you failed to make a kill shot." Sherlock said with a pained tone. Enough to hospitalise me; not enough to kill me. That wasn't a miss." he paused smilng slightly " That was surgery." I felt my heart drop in my chest, she was the one responsible for Sherlock's shooting. Hot boiling anger flooded through me, how dare she. She met his gaze then looked down

"I'll take the case." he spoke.

" What case?" She asked confused.

" Yours. Why didn't you come to me in the first place? " He said curtly.

"Because John and Gwen can't ever know that I lied to them. It would break him and I would lose them forever - and, Sherlock, I will never let that happen." She said in a tone of desperation. Sherlock turned his back to her, She took a step towards him. "Please understand. There is nothing in this world that I would not do to stop that happening."

"Sorry." Sherlock said coldly as he walked over to the fuse box. "Not that obvious a trick." He said flicking the switch on. Mary's face filled with horror as she saw John sitting in the chair. Her gaze shifted to me and I could see the remose in her eyes. I clenched my fist to my side. "Now talk, and sort it out. Do it quickly." Sherlock said. John started to walk towards her but stopped, I was going to talk to her but instead angrily stormed out. Hot tears running down my face, the worst kind of pain was being betrayed by someone you trust. Sherlock ran out after me, he pulled me in and held me. I sobbed into his chest, letting my wails of pain and heart break be muffled by his shirt.

"My poor Gwen, look what we have done to you" Sherlock said somberly as he held me closer. "Never again will I let you go" He whispered into my hair. "Never again"

AN; DUN DUN DUN!!! Hehehe another update in like two/three days! that's a record fr me! Anyway I will be posting my new SPN fanfic and I would really appreciate if you checked it out! Anyway I hope I can update before I go on my family vacation. Thank you for the 3.3k reads! I can't believe its gotten that far in such a short time! Thank you!!! XOXO- Nicole

PS. Sorry if there are any mistakes! I will go back and edit this again!

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