CHAPTER 3: Blondes, Blokes, and Babies

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Suggested songs: Turning Tables- Adele, Story of my life- One Direction.

"Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world."-

R. D. Laing

Chapter 3: Blondes, Blokes and Babies

I walked into work, sighing slightly as I leisurely walked down the halls, nothing had been the same after that one night. Sherlock was very distant lately and he had been smoking again. I know that he only smokes when he is upset. I sat down at my desk flipping though the folders of information that I should be reading, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My mind was anywhere but here.

"Gwen, Mycroft wants to talk to you in his office" a dark haired brunette said as she walked up to my desk. It took me a minute to understand what she said before I stood up and made my way to his office. I sighed softly, a strange gloom was hanging over my head today and I just wish that it would just disappear. I slumped into Mycroft's office and plopped down in a chair.

"You're certainly Miss Sunshine today. Anyway, I needed to tell you about your new partner and makeover" Mycroft said, he was still facing the other way, leaving me to stare at the back of his chair

"Partner? Makeover?" I asked feeling very confused.

"Yes. Sean is your new partner and you have to change your looks because you are embarking on a mission soon and you will be recognized if you keep the ginger hair." Mycroft mumbled.

"We aren't talking about a super drastic change? Right?" I asked, ignoring the fact that the flirtatious Sean was my new partner.

"No it's not too drastic, unless you think blonde is a huge change" he said turning around.

"As long as I don't have bleach blonde hair, It should be fine." I said. Change, I hoped that change would be good for me perhaps something different would brighten up my mood.

"Good. You have shooting and physical training with Sean after your hair appointment, which is in a hour." Mycroft said glancing at his computer with a bored expression upon his face.

"Where's my hair appointment?" I asked softly.

"Downstairs in the third room to your left" he said. I got up and left, I slowly padded down to my office then sat there for a few moments. The minutes ticked by and finally I walked down to this makeshift salon. A young lady sat in a chair waiting for me, she had a short white pixie cut and bright green eyes.

"Oh you must be Gwen!" She said with a smile.

" Yeah that's me, I'm here for my hair appointment" I said softly.

"Alright, my name is Amanda" she said with a shy smile. I watched as she quickly washed my hair, blow dried it and started to put in the dye. I watched her every movement anxiously, hoping that this was going to look good. It took about a hour for her to dye my hair, she then cut it so that the ends of my hair rested in-between my shoulder blades, instead of mid-back. I glanced at myself in the mirror, I was shocked to see myself. I looked different, but I think it was a good different.

"Do you like it?" The girl asked with a shy smile.

"Wow, yeah it seriously looks great! Thank you!" I said with a grin. I gave her my business credit card and paid, then went on my way towards the gun range. I changed into my training clothes then pulled up my hair. Sean was sitting outside the range, I guess he was waiting for me. He glanced up and a surprised look came on his face.

"Wow! Gwen your hair looks nice!" He said with a grin. "Oh, and by the way I'm your new partner" he said standing up. I smiled shyly,

"Thanks, yeah I know. What are the odds of us being partners?" I said with a smile. "Please tell me you know how to shoot a gun"'I said with a laugh.

A Case Of Insanity [Book 2] ( sequel to ACOTC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ