CHAPTER 11: A pain worse then heartbreak

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"Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane." -Scott Adams, Dilbert

CHAPTER 11: A pain worse then heartbreak

It had been a week since we were last in California and in all honesty I missed it. Ever since I left Sean had been acting very strange, he came in with a broken nose and swollen lip one day at work and he wouldn't talk about it. His eyes practically widened with fear every time he saw me.

"G-Gwen," he stammered nervously "How was your trip?" He asked as his eyes looked up at me.

"It was pretty good, I attempted to teach Sherlock how to surf"

"How did that go?"

"It was very entertaining to watch" I said with a smile.

"I bet, so we need to talk " he said with remorseful eyes .

"But not here I presume?" I asked softly. He nodded with a wince, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly had happened to him while I was gone .

"Yes, we need to talk as soon as possible." he said softly glancing away from me and staring at his feet. I nodded then sighed softly,

"I need to go pick up my kids from home and take them to their grandparents in a hour" I said leaning against the table." Would after that work?" I asked.

"Yes, just promise me you won't hate me" he mumbled as he looked up like a kicked puppy.

"I am sure it's not that bad" I lied walking towards the exit, I sighed, I had a terrible feeling about this entire thing. I drove back to Bakers Street to pick up the boys from Mrs.Hudson's flat. They were going to be staying at their Grandparent's house for a few hours, Seren and Sky were growing bigger each day, both boys now had dark curly locks like their father and beautiful blue eyes, Sky has a beautiful little spot of brown in his right eye, but other then that their eyes looked identical to their fathers. I smiled as we drove, we were stopped at a stop sign when suddenly someone rear ended us. I cursed, making sure that they boys were okay. "Oh my gosh" I exasperated , slamming my hands on the steering wheel. I got out of the car and was about to lay it on the person who had just run into me. I had enough stressful things happening to me at this current moment.

"Oh my, I have caused quite a mess haven't I" the man said. The man was older looking with receding hair and round glasses, he had a very arrogant charisma to him, I pressed my lips into a line.

"Yeah you did, do you know I have two children in there" I growled.

"My apologies" he said softly glancing at me as his eyes mooned strangely side to side. "Charles Augustus Magunussen, I am so sorry we happened to meet this way Mrs.Holmes is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's Gwen . Sorry if I've seemed rude, I've just been stressed" I murmured. We waited for a few hours before the police finally came, we gave each other our information then I dropped off the boys and I drove back home. Frustrated and feeling a few kinks in my spine from the whiplash, I flopped down on the couch. Closing my eyes I sighing softly and relaxed for a bit. I must have dozed off for a while because when I woke up It was dark. There was a knock on the door and I got up answered it. It was Sean and he looked like a absolute disaster, he looked like he had seen a ghost and then some.

"You're a hot mess" I said softly. he gave me a weak smile then laughed.

"Well I am hot and a mess right now so that does sound correct" he said. He was sounding like the old Sean again,instead of the timid nervous one.

I laughed before letting him in.

"Do you want a drink or something?" I asked.

"Maybe some water if that's alright" he said softly. I went off to the kitchen to grab him a glass.

"You may want to sit down" Sean said softly, I watched him cautiously as I sat down. "You won't like this, not at all". I couldn't help but to feel nervous about this whole ordeal, I knew it was going to be bad.

"So what exactly happened?" I asked finding my voice.

"My name isn't Sean Becksworth, it's Jensen Sean Moran and I am not Moran's cousin, but his brother. Along with my brother I worked with Moriarty since the age of seventeen, in fact you and I have met before. You may not remember but I do, it was when you were with your new partner Alexander when you went to Cairo for the first time." He said pausing and taking a breath " we also worked with the Taliban and the Blood. Brothers, disclosing your location to them so they would find you both times. But after that incident I ran from Moriarty and his crew, giving myself a new identity, look and name. Until our little run in with Sebby, I was hidden. But now I am wanted back to work with my older brother" he said looking at me with remorseful eyes. I didn't know how to react, I wanted to cry, scream, punch and run all at the same time. I couldn't believe what he was telling me, I swallowed trying to muster all my emotions so I could respond. The first emotion that burned through the others was anger, a blinding burning anger.

"How could you lie to me? Do you know half of the crap I've been put though recently?" I yelled as I stood up and clenched my fists to my side. After holding in my emotions for so long, I finally was exploding and it was not going to be pretty.

"I had to, and I know I am sorry" he said softly.

"Was it you that shot at my partner" I hissed. He winced and with a look of his eyes I knew he was the one responsible. "Unbelievable" I scoffed angrily. That explains why he was so nervous about Sherlock being around him. I sighed as hot tears ran down my face, I had been betrayed by one of the people I needed to trust. I saw red as I slammed my hand into the table in front of me, the tears didn't stop been after my fit of rage. My whole body shook as I tried to control myself, I was tempted to beat this punk into a pulp.eq

"I am sorry Gwen, but I assure you, don't trust that C.J, he's up to no good I can tell you that" he said softly.

"And you think I can trust you now?" I snapped. He let out a sigh of defeat and stood up, pain evident in his eyes. He knew he had screwed up, and now there was no going back.

"Maybe eventually but I need you to trust me now. Gwen please" he pleaded with a desperate look in his eyes.

"Get out, get out now!" I yelled. He sighed and walked out the door, I could tell he knew he was defeated for a while. I couldn't help but to just cry. I felt back stabbed and now I knew not one person could be trusted. Everyone and everything was against me and there was nothing I could do about it. I growled in frustration as my heart sank, I felt shattered, your partner was supposed to be the one person you could trust without a doubt. The tears didn't stop flowing out of my eyes until I was left hiccuping and attempting to catch my breath. I sat on the couch for hours staring blankly at the was and attempting to purge myself of feeling any kind of pain or emotions. I snapped out of my daze when the doorbell rang forcing me to get up and answer it. I found that no one there just a wooden box that was addressed to me. Not thinking, I opened it inside only to find another box inside, sighing I opened the box and when I saw what was in it, I instantly dropped it and backed up. To my horror inside the box was a still beating heart.

An: I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry if it seems so depressing I've had a rough day today and I really needed to vent, anyway. Was anyone expecting Sean to be Moran's brother? Who do you think C.j is and what is his involvement? Anyway I'm hoping to update soon. Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments you all are so lovely <3- Nicole

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