CHAPTER 9: British Boys are my weakness

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Suggested Songs:     Trade Mistakes  &  The most fun a girl can have...- Panic! At the Disco

Chapter 9: British boys are my weakness

My boys had been happy to see me back home. Seren and Sky clutched onto me and refused to let go until they fell asleep. I had missed them dearly and it was absolutely wonderful. Sherlock observed me for a bit his eyes ( currently green with flecks of gold in them) observed every detail of me before he brushed his lips against mine and told me he was glad I was home. After I put the twins in their cribs and gave them goodnight kisses I walked back out and watched Sherlock. He was staring at the ceiling, and I knew insideof his head the gears were turning. He was hot on the trail of solving a case and there was no doubt about it. His cupid bow lips were pressed together as his fingers drummed against his thighs.

"You've been awfully silent since you have arrived home" his baritone voice suddenly spoke up.

"Is there a problem with that? I'm just exhausted" I muttered sitting down in what was John's chair. Sherlock glanced over at me, his gaze felt like it was burning into my soul.

"My brother informed me of this trip we will be taking, perhaps it will be good for you to get away from things. Your mind, emotions and body have been overworked lately" he stated. I gave him a 'are you serious' look. "But it's not just that, there's something different about you since you have come back" he said standing and looming over me. I knew everything he was saying was true, and it burned a overwhelming feeling of helplessness over me.

"Sherlock, not now" I said through clenched teeth.

"But what is it may you ask? Is it your demeanor, personality, the way you hold your self ? Or is it something that has been plaguing your mind since you have been on that mission?" He said as his eyes narrowed.

"I'm not one of your clients Sherlock" I said sharply as I put my hand into the pocket of my camo cargo pants."So, enough with the deductions" I said glaring at him. He smirked at me slightly, I shook my head slightly knowing what probably would come next.

"I understand, I just want you to tell me whats going on" he murmered.

"I will, theres just been soo much on my mind lately" I said trailing off as I glanced at the floor.

"I could help clear your mind for you" his husky voice said. "Perhaps make you forget about whatever happened?" He said as he closed the space between us, his chest resting against my back. I couldn't help but chuckle,

"You have a thing for blondes and camouflage. Is this a army fetish I deduce? Perhaps not your first?" I said with a teasing tone as I turned around. I could see the flush apparent on his face as he bit his lip, I knew I had just pinned him where I wanted him to be. I smiled warmly at the man in front of me, he was a genius but at sometimes he was a idiot, but he was my idiot and I loved it. I leaned up and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, I had missed him dearly. "Will you be up much longer?" I asked softly.

"That depends" he mumbled.

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I asked sheepishly, remembering the time we both fell asleep on the couch together for the first time.

"Of course, I would stay with you for all eternity if you asked me to" he said tilting my face up so I could look him in the eyes. I smiled warmly then kissed his cheek and walked to the bedroom and changed into my pajamas. I slipped in bed and under the covers, a few seconds later Sherlock slid in I front me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest.

"I love you" I said softy.

"I love you more" he whispered as I drifted off into sleep. The next morning I awoke to an empty bed, I sighed softly as I realized that Sherlock had left for work. Knowing that our flight was later today I decided to take time to pack our bags after I woke up the kids and fed them and myself after that I started to pack our bags. Seren and Sky watched me curiously as I packed.
"Maaaa" Seren squealed. I giggled and ruffled his curly black hair, Sky crawled over to the suitcase and put his hands all over it. I smiled at how much they reminded me of their father at times, I sighed softly as I realized that I would be home in less than 12 hours. I was excited to smell the sea, feel the sand on my toes, and the sunshine on my face, It had been far too long since I had gone back and visited. For the remainder of the day I spent reading to Seren and Sky and veging on the couch. I was trying to force my mind to forget all of the events that had happened within the past week, But it wasnt really working. I  then remembered that I never found out what Sean's past was or why it was so terrible. I pulled out my phone, tempted to call the man and demand a answer, but something held me back. I sighed softly as I glanced at the TV, Some James Bond movie was on, I scoffed slightly as I changed the channel.Eventully,  I fell asleep on the couch with both of my darlings asleep on my chest, I must have slept for a while becase when I awoke Sherlock was just walking in the door. My phone vibrated on the counter, Sherlock glanced at me then it and took a few long strides to retrive it for me. 

"You look well rested, good day I assume?" He asked with a slight smug grin. 

"Yeah it was, I got us all packed for the trip. How are the cases going?" I asked getting up and setting the kids back on the couch before walking over to Sherlock and pulling him into a hug. He wrapped one of his arms around me as the other held up my phone.

'Who's C.J?" his voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke.

" A aquantance of mine, no need to worry about him though hes a good chap" I said softly. Sherlock watched my facial expression

"You do know I can tell when you are lying to me correct, Not only from your erratic heart beats but also you tend to purse your lips after doing so" he muttered.

'Well, I am assuming hes a good guy" I mumbled grabbing my phone back from him.

"Mmm Interesting. Is this trip really nessecary?" Sherlock asked as he glanced at me texting on my phone 

"Yes, it is." I said looking back up at him. '"Are you afraid to go or something" I scoffed.

"No it's not that, I am just extremely close to finishing up a case, it is a innapropiate time for me to be leaving"  He stated taking his coat off.

"Sherlock" I said in a pleading voice as I looked up at him through my eyelashes. Once his eyes glanced down into mine, I knew I  had won. His hard gaze softened as one of his hands cupped my cheek.

" Gwen, you certainlly know my pressure points now don't you" he smirked. I giggled before biting my lip and shaking my head. He nuzzled the crook of my neck, planting kisses up my neck untill his mouth was close to my ear. "But I do know a few of yours as well" he whispered in a sultry voice.  I let out a small gasp as I lightly hit his chest with my hand.

"Stop it you! We have  fifteen minutes before we need to leave" I said with a small sigh. He smugly grinned at me before planting a kiss on my nose, his eyes (currently a beautiful blue) glanced into mine. I couldn't help but to feel intimidated by his height and beautiful chisled features.  

"Alright, I will go and make sure you packed everything we need" He said in a defeated mannor as he started to walking away. I rolled my eyes at him, I was tempted to tell him to stop being such a baby but I decided against it.

'You know you are going to have to behave when we're with my parents  in Cali  correct?" I asked.

"No promises on my good behavior darling. That all depends on you" he said from the other room, I felt my face flush. That man was always up to trouble. After Sherlock double checked our luggage we made our way to the airport then through security and eventully we were seated on the airlines. Surprising the twins stayed asleep most of the flight before waking up towards the end. Sky just glanced up at his father as Sherlock talked about observing other people while Seren just wanted me to cuddle him.  As soon as I walked out of the the Airport, I knew it was good to be home.

An: Hehehe! I hope you enjoyed it! I am so stoaked to write the next chapter because it is hopefully going to be fluff galore!!! Anyway thank you for all your votes, comments and reads! They all mean the world to me!  Anyway thank you guys for being so awesome!!!  Lots of love- Nicole!

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