CHAPTER 18: I Need Your Help

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Chapter 18: I Need Your Help

"For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity." -Jean Dubuffet

(I'm a mess-Ed Sheeran)

(Sherlock P.OV)

I opened my eyes, finally awakening from my slumber. I glanced over at my left arm to see what looked like a blurry Gwen. Had she found out I was shot? Why did she stay? I thought she hated me now. My mind felt groggy and I tried to blink the exhaustion away but it didnt work. A woman leaned over my bed and spoke

" Look at me - and tell me you're not gonna tell him." Mary's voice said. My vision became more blurry and I sunk back into the darkness that I had just awoken from. Over a course of a few days my health had gotten better, My body was slowly mending its'self together but as for my heart and relationship with Gwen, It was all still shattered and broken. She visited every day and I could see the damage I had done to her, I knew something was wrong when she didn't even put up a mask to hide the hurt she felt every day and that was what worried me the most. A few day's later I was able to somewhat sit up, they took the nasal cannula out of my nose and I was normally left to myself unless I needed help. Janine visited me one day with a newspaper in her hands, I was asleep at the time that she came into my room but the rustling of the pages awoke me. I opened my eyes expecting it to be Gwen but it was Janine. She showed me the front page of the news paper, the headline read "SHAG-A-LOT HOLMES" She held up another paper, the Daily Mirror which also read , "EXCLUSIVE - SHERLOCK HOLMES KISS AND TELL"

"I'm buying a cottage." She said sitting on one side of the bed near my feet and slapped the last newspaper down, she smiled at me. "I made a lot of money out of you, mister." She grinned. I lifted one of the papers and looked at it. I couldn't care less why she was here, she was just a pawn I used to get to Magunussen." Nothing hits the spot like revenge for profits."

" You didn't give these stories to Magnussen, did you?" I asked tiredly, I was worn out physically and emotionally.

"God, no - one of his rivals. He was spittin'!". I moved a bit and grunted in pain then gave her a small smile. She looked at me angrily.

" Sherlock Holmes, you are a back-stabbing, heartless, manipulative bastard." She hisssed. I pressed a button the the remote controling the bed, the top of my bed rose and put me in more of a sitting position.

" And you - as it turns out - are a grasping, opportunistic, publicity-hungry tabloid whore." I said back with a smug grin on my face, I could just imagine Gwen laughing at that one and telling me that it was a good comeback.

"So we're good, then!" She said cheerfully.

"Yeah, of course. Where's the cottage?"

"Sussex Downs."

" Hmm, nice."

" It's gorgeous. There's beehives, but I'm getting rid of those." she spoke in a soft tone. I tried to push myself up more but that only casued me to gasp in agony. "Aw, hurts, does it? Probably wanna restart your morphine. I might have fiddled with the taps."

" How much more revenge are you gonna need?" I said. Grimacing as i reached across tot he machine besides my bed and pushed the button that would give me the maxium dose of morphine.

" Just the occasional top-up." She said glancing around the room.

"Dream come true for you, this place. They actually attach the drugs to you!"

"Not good for working."

"You won't be working for a while, Sherl."

"Please dont call me that" I said with a sigh as i closed my eyes for a little.

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