CHAPTER 5: Bad Blood

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Suggested songs: Aint it fun- Paramore, Bad Blood-Bastille

"The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane."

-Mark Twain

Chapter 5

"Wait What!?!" I said in total disbelief.

"You heard exactly what I said Gwen. You have a misson to go on with Sean." Mycroft said with a stern face. I sighed resting my head in my hands, this was too much stress.

"We've only been working together for two weeks! You can't possibly think we are ready for this!" I exclaimed crossing my arms over my chest. "Where are we even going?" I asked.

"Egypt, thats where Moran was last spotted." Mycroft stated, he looked at me like i was stupid. i cringed when the name left his mouth, Egypt and Moran. I had had bad expirances with both.

"O-okay" I managed to stammer.

"You will both depart tomorrow." He spoke, and with that I left. I sighed softly, Sean sat in my office playing with a rubber ball. Sometimes I swear he acted more like some sort of dog then he did human.

" So, What's going on?" he asked as his green eyes looked up at me.

"Mycroft is sending us after Seb, he was last sighted in Egypt" I said softly.

"You don't look to happy about this. Why? When are we leaving?"

" Tomorrow, and  I'm sure you would be feeling the same way if we went after a guy that almost killed you" I mumbled sitting down in my chair.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Well, if he shoots, I'll gladly take a bullet for you" He said with a serious expression.

" Sean, I am not asking you to do that for me. But thank you." I said with a slight smile. These past few weeks I just haven't felt myself, I had been seeing things in my dreams that were absolutly horrible and lately I swear I've seen something following me. I sighed softly and glanced out the window for a few seconds, then I swore I saw Moriarty in the room across from me. I Jumped backwards and let out a small gasp, my heart pounded in my chest, I could hear each beat pounding in my ears.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm okay, I just have my demons from my past haunting me" I murmered.

"You look really pale, maybe you should go home for the day" Sean said giving me a gentle pat on the back. I nodded, then stood up, tonight was indeed going to be a long night. We were going to have dinner with the soon to be Mr and Mrs. Watson and things between Sherlock and John had been filled with alot of tension. I just knew that some how there was going to be a very ugly dispute between the two. I took Sean's advice and just headed home, maybe I could get a wink of sleep before dinner tonight. Once I got home I sat down, I attempted to take a nap but I just couldn't, something felt different. It was like everything in my life was about to come crashing down on me. I walked over to the window and gazed outside, What was wrong with me? Why did I feel so bad all of the sudden? Deciding to clear my mind, I sat down in Sherlock's chair and pulled out a book, a note fell down into my lap. I glanced at it then chuckled slightly. It was in John's handwriting and it looked pretty old. It was obviously a rant note from John and it was just so gosh darn funny, I sat there for a few minutes laughing like a mad woman. By the end of my laughing spree I was in tears, I smiled then went to go take a shower and start getting ready for dinner tonight. When I got out of the shower I turned around to see a frightening phrase written on the foggy mirror.

"Nevermore my dearest Gwen" I stared in horror at the mirror a few seconds before blinking, once I opened my eyes again the phrase was gone. I shivered then made it quickly back into my room.

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